亚投行助理岗 (七险一金, 11-14k)

亚投行助理岗 (七险一金, 11-14k)


Administrative Assistant


The key responsibility of the Administrative Assistant is to provide necessary support to the senior executive(s) or the department/division with complete secretarial and administrative services, including secretarial services, administrative management and coordination, liaison with internal & external contacts, general data analysis and basic research work etc.

Specific Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

- Manage senior executive(s)’/Officer(s)’ schedule, maintain up-to-date files and records of all correspondence and documentation related to the office/department that the assistant is working for.

-  Ensure the timely and smooth implementation of logistics surrounding key tasks in the department including assisting in visa application for staff members, coordinating travel schedule, preparing meeting agendas and all travel documents including travel memo, budget and expenses claims etc.

- Provide logistical support for the organization of meetings, events, workshops and conferences; provide full scope of logistical support, including preparing for schedules, informing participants, confirming dates and times, sending electronical or paper invitations, drafting slides, taking and distributing minutes and notes, and other support may be instructed.

- Handle all incoming and outgoing calls, faxes and email transmissions and coordination of appointments; Draft and prepare office memos, letters, meeting minutes, reports and other correspondence as instructed.

- Liaise with internal staff, receive and interact with incoming visitors. Proofread and distribute general correspondence. Maintain office coordination and resolve any issues and inquiries.

- Create, maintain and review office documents, such as process invoices and maintain an up-to-date record of vendor payments; prepare expense/budget reports, memos, and other administrative record by collecting data from various tools and/or consolidating it into reports.

-  Administer the office budget and assist in developing and monitoring the budget implementation.

- Assist with data entry/collection/analytics, database maintenance and support basic research. Handle sensitive information in a confidential manner.

- Monitor stationary levels and order office supplies. Coordinate repairs to office equipment.

- Any other tasks that may be assigned from time to time by the supervisor(s).

Candidate Requirements:

- Bachelor’s degree or above in related fields from a reputable university

- Minimum 1 year of relevant administrative support experience in the international/financial institution;

-  Proficient in verbal/written English and Chinese

- Excellent interpersonal, diplomatic and organizational skills as well as ability to juggle multiple priorities

- Self-motivated and detail-oriented; able to work under pressure and meet deadlines; service orientation.

- Ability to deal with extremely confidential and sensitive information.

- (For assistant in Investment Operations) Additional language skill on any of the following will be a bonus: Russian, French, Arabic, Korean, Portuguese or Spanish.

- Proven experience with MS Office Applications is a must.

群内留言「 亚投行 @小助理 」即可申请



1. 外语好, 寻找工作/实习/兼职的朋友

2. 关注自我提升&职业发展的朋友

3. 需要实践经验, 充实简历的同学


1. 每日优质工作机会推送

2. 结识各行业外语达人, 拓展人脉

3. 职业发展交流, 大厂/500强内推机会

加入外语职场 𝐕𝐈𝐏

更多机会, 更先掌握


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