【在线讲座】“选择最适合您的大学”系列第三讲 – 转学政策及社区学院介绍,1月13日,星期六,早上10:00-11:30
U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou and EducationUSA Presents
主题:“选择最适合您的大学”系列第三讲 – 转学政策及社区学院介绍
Topic: “Choose Your Best Fit" Series, Session Three – Introduction to Transfer Policies and Community Colleges
时间/日期: 2024年1月13日,星期六,早上10:00-11:30
Time/Date: Saturday, January 13, 2024, 10:00am-11:30am
Zoom会议号ID:160 180 7553
Scan the QR code to attend.
Do you know that many American icons are among the millions who have attended community colleges? For example, the co-founder of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs, the director of Star Wars George Lucas, the former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, the pioneer of animation Walt Disney to name a few!
Reasons for utilizing transfer pathways and attending community college are as varied as the students enrolled, but whether a student intends to earn an associate degree or transfer out to a four-year university, this route can be a great launch pad. Don’t miss this chance to understand a valuable educational institution of the United States!
In this session, we have invited six experienced school representatives from California, Washington State, and Arizona to give you a comprehensive interpretation of how students can benefit from studying in community colleges and utilizing transfer systems--from the perspectives of community colleges and four-year universities.
The session will include the following topics:
Introduction to the transfer systems and articulation policies in the United States
Transfer agreements from community colleges with U.S. colleges and universities from different states
Flexible admission policies and requirements from community colleges and universities
High-quality teaching resources
Affordable tuition and many more!
About the U.S. institutions guest speakers:
Amanda Doherty – 转学升学指导,华盛顿大学塔科马校区
Amanda Doherty – Advisor, University of Washinton Tacoma
Andy Yang – 国际招生处副主任,山麓和迪安萨学院
Andy Yang – Assistant Director of International Recruitment, Foothill and De Anza Colleges
Cicci Xia – 录取办公室招生官,亚利桑那州立大学
Cicci Xia – Admission Officer of International Undergraduate Recruitment and International Partners, Arizona State University
Joe Chen – 区域经理,绿河学院
Joe Chen – Regional Manager, Green River College
Yan Xu – 国际项目主任,皮马社区学院
Yan Xu – Director of International Programs, Pima Community College
Yi Zhang – 中国区高级招生官,加州大学圣克鲁兹分校
Yi Zhang – China Senior Program officer, University of California, Santa Cruz
This session will be conducted in Chinese.