【线上Zoom活动】A Preview of ESG Challenges in 2024, 1月10日,星期三,晚8点

【线上Zoom活动】A Preview of ESG Challenges in 2024, 1月10日,星期三,晚8点


线上Zoom活动 A Preview of ESG Challenges in 2024  

时间: 1月10日,星期三,晚8点 

Zoom号:834 7946 9927

Zoom 链接: 

语言:英文 无中文翻译 

There is increased confusion these days, as well as debates and occasional attempts to politicize the meaning of the phrase ESG, or environment, social and governance.  At the same time, analysis from Bloomberg New Energy Finance and others demonstrate the need to ramp up investment in climate solutions globally from 1 to 3-5T per year. Through this talk, we will explain what is really going on, what is needed, and how better US-China relations can help.  


Guest Speaker 演讲嘉宾:  

Cary Krosinsky is a widely respected educator, leading author and advisor on sustainable finance whose ongoing teaching includes popular courses at Brown, Yale and NYU. He also acts as an Adjunct Professor at SIPA in spring 2022 to help oversee a capstone projects sponsored by the World Bank since 2020 on Greening Global Pension Funds. 

His fifth book was on Modern China and the need for better relations to solve societal challenges, from 2020. His first book was published in 2008, Sustainable Finance, The Art of Long Term Performance with Nick Robins. He is also Co-Founder and Director of the Sustainable Finance Institute, which hosted its first event on the Future of Sustainable Finance in China at Peking University HSBC Business School in Shenzhen in January 2019, featuring leading investors with emerging investment solutions across asset class, many of whom are profiled in this upcoming new book. 

He is also Co-Founder of the Carbon Tracker Initiative, its parent Investor Watch and was a member of the NY State Common Decarbonization Advisory Panel appointed by Governor Cuomo and Comptroller DiNapoli 2018-19 leading to the fund’s $20B Climate Action Plan, and author/co-author of many previous papers including for the China-UK Green Finance Taskforce, for the UNEP Inquiry on the Value of Everything and for PRI in 2015 developing a framework for asset owners on climate change strategy. 


他的第五本书是关于现代中国以及解决社会挑战需求更好关系的,出版于2020年。他的第一本书是在2008年出版的,与尼克·罗宾斯(Nick Robins)合著的《可持续金融,长期绩效的艺术》。他还是可持续金融学院的联合创始人和主任,该研究所于2019年1月在深圳的北京大学汇丰商学院举办了首次关于中国可持续金融未来的活动,邀请了跨资产类别的领先投资者,其中许多人的个人资料也在即将出版的新书中有所介绍。 

他还是Carbon Tracker Initiative的联合创始人,该机构的母公司是Investor Watch,并曾是由库莫州长和财务主管DiNapoli委任的纽约州共同减碳咨询小组的成员,于2018-2019年期间领导该基金的200亿美元气候行动计划。他还是许多先前论文的作者/共同作者,其中包括为中国-英国绿色金融工作组、联合国环境规划署(UNEP Inquiry on the Value of Everything)以及2015年为PRI(Principles for Responsible Investment)开发资产所有者气候变化战略框架的论文。 


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