Rather than后面要用doing还是do?
新概念英语写作社群有同学问到了一个问题:rather than位于句首时,后面应该说do something还是doing something?
正确答案是两个都可以用,为什么会出现这种情况呢?这是因为rather than既可以作为连词理解,也可以当成介词理解。
(1)当rather than作为连词理解时,根据英语“平行结构”的要求,此时rather than前后的单词要保持词性和结构的一致,比如:For exercise, I walk rather than run. 此时rather than前后的单词walk以及run词性保持一致。
又比如BBC在评价最近的查尔斯三世(King Charles III)演讲时有这样的句子:
Another clear message being sent was that Charles was here for the long haul, the throne would be a lifelong commitment for him, for all "the remaining time God grants me". But it was an important, tone-setting speech that was absent of any pomposity, promising to serve rather than to rule.
…promising to serve rather than to rule,这里rather than前后也保持了一致。
在非正式场合中,rather than后面的to也可以省略,比如:He decided to call rather than text.
当rather than作为连词且位于句首时,后面的动词要用原形,比如《韦氏高阶英语词典》有这样的句子:Rather than continue the argument, she walked away.
可以看到,虽然句子是过去时态,但是rather than后面仍然用动词原形。又比如《柯林斯词典》的例句:Rather than break her appointment and disappoint me, Katie again took the car.
(2)当rather than作为介词理解时,此时它相当于instead of,后面的动词要用现在分词形式,比如上面的韦氏词典同样有一条例句:Rather than using dried herbs, he picked fresh ones from the garden.
此时rather than理解为介词,句子相当于:Instead of using dried herbs, he picked fresh ones from the garden.
虽然我们可以说rather than do/doing something,但目前rather than doing something更加常见一点。在Google Ngram Viewer上面比较"rather than make"以及"rather than making"的使用频率,可以发现,从上世纪60年代以后,rather than making的使用频率明显超过另一种:
比较"rather than do"以及"rather than doing",也可以看到类似的结果:
另一个容易被用错的短语是as well as,它后面必须用现在分词形式,即as well as doing something,比如:
(1) She negotiates the licences as well as ordering the equipment.
(2) Each week he wrote her three letters, as well as telephoning her.