这个问题需要分情况来讨论,简单来说,如果大学名称为XX University格式,那么前面不需要加定冠词;如果名称格式为University of XX,那么前面需要加the。
举个例子,“清华大学”英文名为Tsinghua University,那么在提到“清华大学”的时候前面就不需要加定冠词。比如BBC去年在报道“内卷”这一现象时有这样的句子:
The trend started from the most elite university campuses in the country when pictures of students taking hard work to the extreme went viral on the internet last year. In one of the photos, one student from Tsinghua University was operating on his laptop while riding a bike.
可以看到Tsinghua University前面没有加the,国内很多大学的英文名都符合这种格式,比如北京大学(Peking University)、复旦大学(Fudan University)以及上海交通大学(Shanghai Jiao Tong University),这些学校名字前面都不需要加定冠词。
当然也有例外的情况,比如有一所大学叫“北京科技大学”,其英文名为University of Science and Technology Beijing,符合University of XX格式,那么正文提到该大学的时候需要加定冠词。
However, the industry recycles less than a third of that waste into products such as cement or concrete, leaving the rest stacked in heaps or dumped illegally. That compares to slag utilization rates of around 98 percent in Japan and 87 percent in Europe, the University of Science and Technology Beijing said in a study published in June.
国外的大学名称也符合这种规律,比如“哈佛大学”写成Harvard University,“波士顿大学”写成Boston University,“密歇根大学”则是the University of Michigan
还有一些大学可以有两种写法,比如“伦敦大学”可以写成London University,也可以写成the University of London,但《朗文常见错误词典》指出,the University of London这种写法会更为正式。
如果是大学名称的缩写,那么前面都不需要加定冠词,比如我们可以说:He studied at the University of Bristol. 使用缩写则是:He studied at UOB.
此外,如果要表达“读大学,上大学”的意思,正确的说法应该是:go to university,而不是go to the university。美式英语中“上大学”一般说go to college,中间也不用加定冠词。