前段时间收到了一名读者的邮件,里面提到了一个问题:“南京博物馆”究竟应该写成Nanjing Museum还是the Nanjing Museum?
这是一个挺有意思的问题,简短的答案是:两种写法都可以,但美国媒体倾向于写成the Nanjing Museum,英国媒体则更多写成Nanjing Museum
《牛津英语用法指南》里面提到,大多数博物馆和美术馆名称前面都要加定冠词,比如the British Museum, the Getty Museum, the Museum of Liverpool,但问题可能出在“大多数”上,因为确实存在少数不符合这一规则的博物馆,比如我们要讨论的“南京博物馆”。
我看了一下南京博物馆官网的英文版本,里面将南京博物馆写成Nanjing Museum,比如5月18日的新闻报道:
On May 18th, Nanjing Museum holds exhibitions and performances on the theme of "Family and Country: Chinese Traditional Human Relations Spirit" to share the development achievements of the museum with the public and make them feel the charm of Chinese traditional culture.
The collection from Nanjing Museum, including Chinese National Treasures, will be on display in the only UK showing of the exhibition. It opens on 27 June.
Of the two shows, China Institute's is the more Nanjing-centric. All of its 50 scrolls, album paintings and fan paintings are on loan from the Nanjing Museum.
Organized in collaboration with the Nanjing Museum, “Art in a Time of Chaos: Masterworks From Six Dynasties China, 3rd-6th Centuries” is far more than a random sampling of top-quality pieces.
可以看到,这两家美国媒体的报道中都用了定冠词,其他美国媒体如雅虎新闻以及NPR也倾向于使用the Nanjing Museum
国内以城市名开头的其他博物馆,比如苏州博物馆(the Suzhou Museum)和上海博物馆(the Shanghai Museum)在外媒的报道中也遵循相似的规律。
不过如果是在标题、封面或者海报等场合,博物馆名称中的冠词通常可以省略,比如“大英博物馆”在标题中经常被写成British Museum,但如果在正文中就要写成the British Museum,比如英国《卫报》关于大英博物馆有这样的新闻标题:British Museum calls for ‘Parthenon partnership’ with Greece over marbles
The deputy director of the British Museum has proposed a “Parthenon partnership” with Greece that could see the marbles returned to Athens after more than 200 years.