“地球”应该写成the earth还是the Earth?
人类有史以来最强大的太空望远镜——詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(the James Webb Space Telescope)最近发布了运行以来的首张全彩深空照片,引发了大众的关注。很多媒体都对此进行了报道,比如下面是BBC的新闻报道:
The image is said to be the deepest, most detailed infrared view of the Universe to date, containing the light from galaxies that has taken many billions of years to reach us.
你可能会注意到BBC将Universe首字母做了大写,写成the Universe,但我们平时可能更多写成the universe,那么单词究竟要不要大写?
实际上这一问题还没有标准答案,各家媒体可能都有自己的拼写规范,比如The New Scientist(新科学家)在报道这一新闻时就没有用大写:
NASA has just released the first full-colour image from the James Webb Space Telescope. Here’s what it is looking at first – and how it will address the biggest mysteries of the universe
(1)当我们要表达“宇宙,天地万物”这一概念时,此时单词需要大写,即写成:the Universe,比如:How many stars are there in the Universe?
(2)如果是表达“多重宇宙,平行宇宙”的概念,那么单词不需要大写,比如:She is convinced that parallel/alternate universes exist.
(3)在包含该词的短语中,单词要小写,比如短语be the centre of sb's universe(XX是某人生活的中心)
除了universe之外,行星等星体是否需要大写也是一个复杂的问题。我们知道火星(Mars)、土星(Saturn)以及木星(Jupiter)都需要大写,那么地球、月亮和太阳呢,应该写成the earth还是the Earth? 这一问题有时候连母语者也会感到混乱。
对此,AP Stylebook(美联社风格手册)提出了一个标准:当地球、月亮和太阳作为专有名词与其他星体名字一起出现时,它们需要大写。举个例子,BBC有这么一个句子:
But while growing food for astronauts could prove invaluable as space agencies around the world set their sights on returning humans to the Moon and visiting other planets such as Mars, space food will perhaps be of even greater use to those of us who remain here on Earth.
这里涉及到月球、火星以及地球这几种星体,因此都需要大写。注意当表达“行星地球”这一含义时,可以写成the Earth,也可以去掉定冠词,写成Earth
如果不涉及跟其他星体的对比,那么可以用the earth表达“地球”的概念,比如《韦氏高阶英语词典》的例句:Many species are in danger of vanishing from (the face of) the earth.
当earth表示“(与海洋或天空相对的)陆地,地面“含义时,单词也不需要大写,比如:The earth shook and the walls of neighbouring houses fell around them. 地面摇晃,周围房屋的墙体在他们身边倒塌。