【上海美国中心活动】环境卫士“可持续故事力”工作坊 —— 让说,写,拍更有影响力,4月26日,周五,15:00-17:00

【上海美国中心活动】环境卫士“可持续故事力”工作坊 —— 让说,写,拍更有影响力,4月26日,周五,15:00-17:00


环境卫士“可持续故事力”工作坊 —— 让说,写,拍更有影响力
Impactful Speaking, Writing and Short Video Creation: A "Sustainable Storytelling" Workshop Series for Environmental Champions  

Time: Friday, April 26, 15:00-17:00

地点:上海美国中心(南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室)
Venue: Shanghai American Center, Room 540, East Tower, 1376 West Nanjing Rd


近期上映的好莱坞大热电影《沙丘》你看了吗? 在其科幻设定和明星光环加持下,你是否注意到它还是一部“气候生态学寓言”?该片原著作者弗兰克•赫伯特(Frank Herbert)写该书的初心其实就是提高环保意识,其本人在1970年世界上第一个地球日上发表的演讲为可持续生活方式树立了标杆。
Have you seen the recently released Hollywood hit movie Dune? With its sci-fi setting and star-studded cast, did you notice that it's also a tale of climate ecology?  Frank Herbert, the author of the original book, actually wrote the book to raise environmental awareness, and his own speech on the world's first Earth Day in 1970 set the standard for sustainable lifestyles.   

在一年一度的地球日到来之际,上海美国中心诚邀你参与“可持续故事力”工作坊。本系列工作坊将聚焦减少塑料污染,推动循环经济和可持续发展等议题,通过三期互动式学习,从书面写作、口头表达到影像视频三个维度提升,让你的传播方式和内容更有影响力。B Corps China (共益企业中国)工作坊项目经理姚鹏宇将带领你通过商业实例、情景演练甚至即兴喜剧的方式,边玩边学提升你的可持续故事力。 
In honor of Earth Day, the Shanghai American Center invites you to participate in the "Power of Sustainable Storytelling" workshop series. This series of workshops will focus on reducing plastic pollution, promoting a circular economy, and sustainable development.  Through three interactive learning sessions, you will learn to improve your communication style and content within three formats: written, oral, and video.  The program manager of B Corps China, Ms. Yao Pengyu, will lead you through business examples, scenarios and even improvisational comedy to enhance your sustainable storytelling while also having fun. 

4月26日 15:00 – 17:00 工作坊一:超越纸面的文字影响力,让“写”触达更多受众 

5月10日 15:00 – 17:00 工作坊二:从电梯社交到即兴演讲,把握“说”的精髓 

5月17日 15:00 – 17:00 工作坊三:社交媒体时代,“拍”出说服力  

April 26, 15:00 -17:00  Workshop 1: Writing beyond the paper, “Write” to reach a wider audience. 

May 10, 15:00- 17:00  Workshop 2: From elevator pitch to impromptu speaking: grasping the essence of "Speaking.” 

May 17, 15:00 -17:00  Workshop 3: Persuasive “Short Videos” in the Age of Social Media  

上海美国中心(南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室) 

Shanghai American Center, Room 540, East Tower, 1376 West Nanjing Road  


Who Should Apply: 
Corporate business leaders, marketing brand managers, communications professionals, social media content managers and creators, small business owners, nonprofit professionals, university students and other community members concerned with climate change, environmental protection, and sustainability issues. 


How to Apply: 
Please scan the QR code to apply for the workshop series.  Deadline to Apply is April 19th. 
If selected, you will receive a confirmation email before April 23.  

Participants who attend all three workshops will 1) receive a certificate of completion from the Shanghai American Center; and 2) be invited to join the "Sustainable Storytelling" alumni group and given priority to participate in subsequent workshops, receive mentoring, and share their knowledge and experience with industry insiders and community partners. 

The event will be conducted in English and Chinese. 

姚鹏宇,B Corps China(共益企业中国)工作坊项目经理、中、英、西三语讲师。曾任职于国际媒体机构,负责公共外交项目,故事力和国际发展项目管理课程讲师。同时也是一名行走过五大洲的可持续创新内容创作者和可持续生活践行者。 
Yao Pengyu is the project manager of the B Corps China's Building Better Business workshop and a trilingual facilitator in Chinese, English and Spanish.  She previously worked in international media organizations, where she was responsible for public diplomacy projects, and also delivered courses in persuasive storytelling and international development project management.  She's a constant content creator on sustainable innovation and a practitioner of sustainable lifestyle who has traveled to five continents. 

B Corps (B Corporations的简称,中文译名:共益企业)是由名为”共益实验室”(B Lab)的非营利组织提出,通过共益影响力评估工具BIA筛选出一批在社会与环境绩效、透明度,以及责任感方面达到高标准的营利性企业。B Corps China (共益企业中国)是共益实验室 (B Lab Global) 认可的中国大陆地区独家合作伙伴,是“商业向善”和“共益经济”的服务和倡导机构。 
B Corporation (B Corp) is a global community of leaders in Business for good. B Corps are for-profit companies certified by the non-profit B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. B Corps China is the exclusive partner of B Lab Global in Mainland China, an advocator of Benefit Economy. 


Doors will open and security screening will commence 15 minutes before the program starts. You must bring a valid physical photo ID to enter the Shanghai American Center. Copies or pictures of IDs will not be accepted.   

Please RSVP if you intend to come. 

如果您或团体需要特殊帮助如果您或团体需要特殊帮助来参与我们的活动,请提前发送邮件至[email protected]与联系我们。 
For individuals or groups who need special assistance to access or enjoy the program, please email [email protected] in advance.     

Although masks are not currently required to attend Shanghai American Center events, audience members are free to wear them if they wish.    

All personal belongings brought into the American Center will be scanned during security screening. Guests may not bring laptop computers to Shanghai American Center programs. Please note there is no place to store luggage or laptops outside the Center. Portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, and smartwatches are permitted.  No audio or video recording of the program will be permitted.  

Press inquiries should be directed to [email protected].    

Shanghai American Center staff may capture photos or video during the event for future promotion of American Center events.  Staff will make efforts during the event to gain verbal permission from individuals whose likeness is captured in footage to be used publicly.  Granting permission allows the Shanghai American Center and the U.S. Department of State permission to publish photographs or video in which participants may appear for any lawful purpose, without payment, further approval, or any other consideration in perpetuity.   

Staff of the ShAC reserve all rights to refuse entry.   


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