Zou Yi, an environmentalist who lives in Beijing, has been filming the air quality near his home using his cellphone since 2013. For almost a decade till now, he has taken more than two million photos to chronicle Beijing's major environmental changes.
After two months, Zou Yi juxtaposed 64 photos he took and posted them online. His move generated extensive discussion. 拍了两个月后邹毅把64张照片拼在一起发了个朋友圈,在朋友圈引起了不小轰动。
The fact that China is the first major developing country to combat PM2.5 may sound unfamiliar to many, but most people have probably heard about the country's action plan for preventing and controlling air pollution, or its critical battle against pollution. China has also demonstrated firm resolve in carbon reduction and afforestation. As a result, clear skies and fresh air are returning to major cities.
Air quality has improved notably, with the average concentration of PM2.5 hazardous airborne particles decreasing from 46 micrograms per cubic meter in 2015 to 30 micrograms per cubic meter last year, Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu said. Days with good air quality accounted for 87.5 percent of 2021, up 6.3 percentage points from 2015 and making China the nation with the greatest air-quality improvement worldwide, according to the minister.
The number of the people who follow the daily air quality photos is probably less than 10% of what it used to be. The less attention means that air pollution is not an issue anymore. 现在关注空气质量照片的人可能只有过去的10%都不到,当这件事不再被关注的时候说明它不再是问题了。
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来源: qq