


当地时间 4 月 24 日,现任总统马克龙以 58%比 41%的得票率击败对手玛丽娜·勒庞,成为法国 20 年来第一位成功连任的总统。


实际上,这已经是马克龙和玛丽娜·勒庞的二度交手了。在五年前的上一届总统大选中,勒庞以 33.9%比66.1%的得票率落败马克龙。这一轮竞选,虽然勒庞再次不敌马克龙,但两人的得票率差距已经显著缩小,马克龙只可谓是“险中求胜”。



Part 1 家族传承的反犹主义?

Marine Le Pen is a leading candidate in the French presidential race. The first round of voting is on April 23rd, which will narrow the field to two for a runoff election on May 7th.  

Marine Le Pen is a far-right candidate and represents the "Front National", which is the far-right party. The National Front has existed for a little over forty years, and Marine Le Pen has been running the party since January 2011. Marine Le Pen is the daughter of the founder of the National Front: Jean-Marie Le Pen. He founded it in the early 1970s and it was considered a pretty racist and anti-Semitic party and always very marginalized. The party was seen as anti-Semitic in large part because her father had often minimized the Holocaust.

玛丽娜·勒庞是 2017 年法国总统大选的一位主要候选人。第一轮投票于 4 月 23 日举行,选出两名候选人,5 月 7 日再从于他们二人之中选出总统。玛丽娜·勒庞是一位极右翼候选人,她代表法国极右翼政党“国民阵线”。“国民阵线”政党成立不过四十年出头,自 2011 年 1 月起由玛丽娜·勒庞领导。玛丽娜·勒庞是国民阵线创始人让-马里·勒庞的女儿。其父于 20 世纪 70 年代早期创立了国民阵线,国民阵线曾被认为是一个种族主义和反犹主义政党,并且总是被边缘化。国民阵线被视为是反犹主义,很大程度上是因为让-马里·勒庞在言语中常常淡化大屠杀的严重程度。

a leading candidate 表示「一位主要候选人」。leading 本身是个形容词,表示「最好的,最重要的,最成功的」(best, most important, or most successful)。candidate /ˈkændədət/表示「候选人,申请者」(someone who is being considered for a job or is competing in an election),比如:a presidential candidate 总统候选人,three candidates for the job 这个职位的三个求职者。

field 表示「所有互相竞争的人」(all the people, companies, products etc that are competing against each other ),比如:the field of candidates for the election 大选的全体候选人。

narrow the field to two 表示「将总统候选人数量缩减到两位」。narrow 在这里为动词,narrow sth down 表示「缩小范围」,narrow sth to 表示「将范围缩小到什么程度」,比如:We have narrowed down the list to four candidates. 我们把范围缩小到四位候选者。

a runoff election 指「决胜选举」。runoff 为名词,指当两人得票相同时,举行的决胜投票。

Marine Le Pen is a far-right candidate and represents the "Front National", which is the far-right party.


far-right 指「极右的」。far-可作为前缀,构成形容词,指「极端的,远的」,比如:far-flung 遥远的,far-reaching 影响深远的,far-sighted 有远见的。


在政治光谱(Political Spectrum)上,越靠右政治观念越保守,认为本国文化是最好的,不愿接纳多元文化,不欢迎移民。

The National Front has existed for a little over forty years, and Marine Le Pen has been running the party since January 2011. Marine Le Pen is the daughter of the founder of the National Front: Jean-Marie Le Pen. He founded it in the early 1970s and it was considered a pretty racist and anti-Semitic party and always very marginalized. The party was seen as anti-Semitic in large part because her father had often minimized the Holocaust.

“国民阵线”政党成立不过四十年出头,自 2011 年 1 月起由玛丽娜·勒庞领导。玛丽娜·勒庞是国民阵线创始人让-马里·勒庞的女儿。其父于 20 世纪 70 年代早期创立了国民阵线,国民阵线曾被认为是一个种族主义和反犹主义政党,并且总是被边缘化。国民阵线被视为是反犹主义,很大程度上是因为其父在言语中常常淡化大屠杀的严重程度。


anti-Semitic为形容词,指「反犹太的」,anti-Semite 为名词,指「反犹太主义者」。Semite 指「闪米特人」,指语言属于闪米特语族的民族,“闪米特”这一名词灵感来自《圣经》诺亚的长子 Shem(闪),犹太人和阿拉伯人都是闪米特人的一支。

marginalize 指「使边缘化,使显得不重要,排斥」(To marginalize a group of people means to make them feel isolated and unimportant.),这个词是对名词 margin「边缘」的动词化。

holocaust 指「大灾难,浩劫」(a situation in which there is great destruction and a lot of people die),比如:a nuclear holocaust 核灾难。当这个词首字母大写,并加上定冠词 the,the Holocaust 就特指第二次世界大战期间纳粹党对犹太人等进行的大屠杀。

But Marine has distanced herself from her father since 2015. In part, that’s because she has tried to change the message of the party and change the branding of the party. "I excluded from the National Front my very own father. We could not tolerate words, unacceptable words, that would lead to a caricature of our movement."

By removing her father, Le Pen hoped to move the party away from anti-Semitism, but a recent comment has undercut those efforts. Speaking to the press, Marine Le Pen denied that France was responsible for the Vel d’Hiv roundup, which took place when French authorities arrested Jews and brought them to the Vélodrome d’Hiver indoor cycling track in Paris for eventual delivery to Nazi concentration camps.

但是自 2015 年起,玛丽娜就开始疏远她父亲。部分原因在于,她试图调整国民阵线的纲领和形象。“我亲手将我父亲从国民阵线驱逐。我们不能容忍一些言论,那些会导致我们的活动被曲解的言论都是不可接受的。”


distanced herself from her father 指「疏远她父亲」或「撇清她与父亲的关系」。distance 在这里为动词,指「使疏远;对…冷淡」,举个例子:The UNO has firmly distanced itself from the anti-government movement. 联合邻里组织坚决撇清和这场反政府运动的关系。


branding 为名词,原本是市场营销术语,指「品牌设计,品牌打造」,在这里,the branding of the party 指「重塑国民阵线的政党形象」。


exclude 指「不准…进入;把…排斥在外」,举个例子:women had been excluded from many scientific societies. 许多科学学会将妇女拒之门外。


caricature /ˈkærɪkətʃʊr/ 为名词,指「讽刺性描写,夸张性描述」(a description of someone or something that is only partly true and makes them seem silly),举个例子:The report presents a caricature of the true situation. 这则报道对真实的情况进行了夸张的描述。


undercut 指「削弱;损害;使失败」(to damage something or to make it fail),相当于 undermine。举个例子:Is a lack of self-confidence undercutting your performance at work? 是不是缺乏自信影响了你的工作表现?



维尔迪福在法语中的意思是“冬季自行车赛场” (Vél'd'Hiv)。该赛场位于巴黎埃菲尔铁塔附近,现已拆毁。维尔迪福围捕犹太人事件(La rafle du Vél'd'Hiv)是指在 1942 年的 7 月 16 日、17 日,贝当领导的维希政府为了配合纳粹的犹太人清洗计划,命令法国警察和宪兵在巴黎进行了大规模逮捕外国犹太家庭行动。13,152 名犹太人被捕后被关押在一个名叫“冬赛场”的场地,包括 4,000 多名儿童。一周后,这些人被送至奥斯维辛等集中营进行大规模屠杀。


此后几十年,法国政府一直以不承认维希政权为由,拒绝为该历史事件道歉,直到 1995 年希拉克在任期间,才改变这一立场,首次承认法国对该事件“负有不可推卸的责任”。此后法国政府一直保持着对维尔迪福事件的认错态度,并于 2010 年公映了以维尔迪福为背景的电影《围捕》。

Part 2 法国版特朗普?

She said this, despite the fact that French president Jacques Chirac formally acknowledged guilt on behalf of the French state in 1995. By questioning French culpability in the Holocaust, her comments have reopened old wounds. But for the time being, Le Pen remains a leading contender, as she has been throughout the campaign, and that’s largely due to her successful efforts to rebrand the National Front. Instead of being seen as an anti-Semites, Le Pen has worked to portray the party as protectors of French identity and French values.

“Especially to the people of different origins and different religions, who have been welcomed into our country, I remind the obvious 'there are not, and there will never be any other laws and values in France than French laws and French values.'"

Her big thing is about France for the French, which gets into some of her policies, which actually we would perceive as racist or xenophobic, but she sees them as returning to a sort of mythical France. In a way, it reminds us a little bit of Trump. "The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer."

尽管早在 1995 年,时任法国总统希拉克就正式代表法国政府,承认了法国在该事件中所犯下的罪行,玛丽娜·勒庞还是发表了这番言论。通过质疑法国在纳粹大屠杀中的罪责,她的言论再次揭开了历史的伤疤。但就目前而言,勒庞仍是总统的有力角逐者,她已经突出重围,进入了最后一轮选举,很大程度上,这要归功于她成功地重塑了国民阵线形象。她一直致力于让国民阵线不再被视为反犹主义政党,而将其塑造为法国身份认同感和法兰西价值观的守护者。



culpable 指「应受谴责 / 处罚的」(deserving blame),culpability 为名词指「应当负的责任」,举个例子:He added there was clear culpability on the part of the government. 他补充说政府方面明显承担罪责。

for the time being 指「眼下,暂时」(for a short period of time from now, but not permanently)。

a leading contender 意思是「有力的角逐者」,是对上文的 a leading candidate 的同义替换。contender 指「竞争者,角逐者,争夺者」,举个例子:Her album is a strong contender for the Album of the Year award. 她的专辑是年度专辑奖的有力竞争者。

portray sb. / sth. as sth 指「把某人/某物描写成某种样子」,举个例子:

Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful. 浪漫主义艺术家描绘的大自然是狂野而强大的。

values 指「价值观」,注意在这个含义下,要用复数形式。举个例子:The countries of South Asia also share many common values. 南亚各国也有许多相同的价值观。

perceive 表示「(以某种方式)看待,理解 」(to understand or think of something or someone in a particular way ),比如:A key task is to get pupils to perceive for themselves the relationship between success and effort. 关键任务是让学生们自己认识到成功和努力之间的关系。

xenophobic 为名词,指「惧外心理,仇外心理」(strong fear or dislike of people from other countries),也就是对外国人的强烈恐惧或憎恨。这个词由两部分构成,xeno-表示「外国人」(relating to a foreigner or foreigners),-phobic 构成名词时,指「患…恐惧症的人」,构成形容词时,指「患…恐惧症的,惧怕…的」,举个例子:I'm statistic-phobic, and hopelessly ignorant of medicine. 我对统计数据感到恐惧,对药物一窍不通。

"I am very happy about the election of Donald Trump. I think that the United States will once again regain its former image in the world, which had become very damaged."

To Marine Le Pen, there is a certain French culture that should be upheld and that that’s being lost in the tide of globalization. She’s particularly anti-globalization. She’s against The European Union and she would like to radically reduce the number of immigrants. "We are not going to welcome any more people. Stop! We are full up!"



image 指「声誉,形象」,相当于 reputation,举个例子:The tobacco industry has been trying to improve its image. 烟草行业一直在试图改善其形象。


uphold 表示「拥护,支持,维护」(If you uphold something such as a law, a principle, or a decision, you support and maintain it.)

tide 原本指「海潮,潮汐」,在这里,in the tide of globalization 将全球化比喻为「一股潮流,趋势」。


anti- 表示「反对」,anti-globalization 就表示「反对全球化的」,举个例子:antinuclear 反对使用核武器[核能]的,anti-American 反美的。


be full up 指「挤满的,占满的」,比如:The prisons are all full up. 各监狱人满为患。

Part 3 法兰西民族的守护者?

During the 2015 refugee crisis, asylum seekers fled to Europe from North Africa and the Middle East, eventually landing in places like Calais, France, home to a notorious refugee camp called "The Jungle". Many Europeans felt overwhelmed by the sudden influx, and Marine Le Pen seized the opportunity to elevate her nationalist platform. France didn’t absorb the same numbers of people as Germany did or parts of Northern Europe. But, at the same time, there was a sense that it was out of control: that Europe did not know how to control its borders.

"Like Calais, where I visited recently, shows the damaging effects of uncontrolled immigration and lack of government. It is an eloquent example. The French are no longer able to cope with massive legal and illegal immigration!"

Even though it was not connected, having the attacks in Paris in the fall of 2015, and then again in the summer of 2016 in Nice, exacerbated a sense of a changing Europe.

在 2015 年的难民危机中,北非和中东的难民涌向欧洲,最终抵达法国加莱等地,加莱有一个臭名昭著的难民营被称为“丛林”。突然涌来的难民让许多欧洲人不堪重负,玛丽娜·勒庞抓住了这个机会宣扬其民粹主义政治纲领。法国接收的难民数量并没有德国或北欧多。但是与此同时,人们有种失控的感觉,感到欧洲不知道如何控制其边境。


2015 年秋天和次年夏天,巴黎和尼斯分别发生了一次恐怖袭击,尽管这两起事件并无关联,但却加剧了人们的不安感——欧洲正在经历变化。



加莱是欧洲国家面对难民潮冲击的“前线”之一,是法国离英国最近的一座港口城市,1994 年建成的英法海底铁路隧道在此处入海。

1999 年,科索沃战争引发难民潮,法国政府在加莱附近建立了接待中心,由红十字会管理,接收难民。自那之后的多年里,不断有难民来到这里,希望找机会偷渡到英国。2015 年,随着叙利亚局势恶化,大量难民进入欧洲,据官方数据,当年 10 月加莱地区非法移民总数已经达到 6,000 人。

“丛林”对英国和法国来说都是一根心头刺。英国曾给法国提供 1,700 万英镑(1.4 亿人民币)来处理英法边界的难民问题,法国政府在这一地区部署了不少军警,阻止难民偷渡到英国。

2016 年 10 月 31 日,法国总统奥朗德前往加莱,宣布将“完全、彻底地“拆除“丛林”营地。2016 年 11 月,“丛林”拆除和清扫工作完成。


asylum seeker 指「寻求避难的人」,是对 refugee 的同义替换。asylum 为名词,指「(政治)避难,(政治)庇护」。seek asylum 指「寻求避难」,所以 asylum seeker 就可理解为「难民」。

notorious 指「臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的」(famous or well known for something bad),其近义词为 infamous。举个例子:The company is notorious for paying its bills late.该公司出了名地喜欢拖欠账单。

overwhelme 指「情感、事件等使不知所措,使难以承受」(If you are overwhelmed by a feeling or event, it affects you very strongly, and you do not know how to deal with it. ),比如:Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise. 拥挤的人群和喧闹的噪音可能会让游客有些茫然不知所措。

influx 的词根为拉丁语 influere 'flow in',现在 influx 指「(人、钱、货物等突然的)大量涌入」(the arrival of large numbers of people or large amounts of money, goods etc, especially suddenly),比如:a large influx of tourists in the summer 夏季旅游者的大批涌进。

platform 在这里指「政党的纲领,政纲,宣言」(The platform of a political party is what they say they will do if they are elected.),举个例子:a platform of political and economic reforms 政治和经济改革纲领。


2015 年欧洲难民危机

2015 年,叙利亚、伊拉克、阿富汗、索马里等多国爆发战争,许多平民因此流离失所,大约 130 万人前往欧洲,尤其是法国和德国等欧盟国家寻求庇护。

2015 年是自二战后,欧洲接收难民人数最多的一年。大量难民短时间内涌入欧洲,给接收国带来沉重负担。德国有关当局估计,随着百万难民入境,德国的供应系统有可能面临崩溃风险。面对困境,欧盟三驾马车德国、法国、英国国内都有强烈的声音拒绝更多难民入境。


exacerbate /ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt/ 指「使恶化,使加重」(to make a bad situation worse),其隐含的含义是「雪上加霜」,让本就不乐观的事情更加糟糕。


11·13 巴黎爆炸袭击事件

法国当地时间 2015 年 11 月 13 日,在法国巴黎市区、郊区多处等地发生连环恐怖袭击事件。其中一起发生在法兰西体育场附近,爆炸发生时正进行法国队和德国队的足球比赛。法国总统奥朗德当时正在观看法国队与德国队的足球比赛,事发后总统紧急撤离,召集内政部召开紧急会议。后经证实,巴黎当天发生 7 起枪击事件、3 场爆炸和一起人质劫持事件。


7·14 尼斯恐怖袭击事件

法国当地时间 2016 年 7 月 14 日深夜,尼斯市法国国庆日庆祝活动遭袭,一辆大卡车撞向正在观看巴士底日烟花表演的人群。此次袭击造成至少 84 人死亡,202 人受伤。2016 年 7 月 16 日,“伊斯兰国”(IS)通过其媒体渠道发表声明,称对当地时间 14 日晚发生在尼斯的卡车袭击人群事件负责。

"…reports are coming in of an attack…"

"…a shooting in central Paris…"

"…hearing at least twenty shots and seeing more than fifteen dead…"

"…two young men, no older than twenty-five, with Kalashnikovs…"

The fear of attacks, the actuality of attacks tend to bolster support for closing borders, closing down the immigration policies and turning an eye on the community that people feel is at fault. While many leaders carefully avoided making any assumptions about the perpetrators. "I don’t want to speculate at this point, in terms of who was responsible for this." Marine Le Pen was quick to point the finger. Speaking on the floor of The European Parliament shortly after the attacks, she forcefully blamed Islamic fundamentalism for the tragedy in Paris.

"The assassin is the ideology in the name of which terrorism does the killing. It is Islamist fundamentalism!"

“关于恐怖袭击的最新报道”,“巴黎市中心发生了枪击”,“听到了至少 20 次枪声,目击了至少 15 人死亡”,“两名不到 25 岁的年轻人使用 AK47 步枪”……



bolster /ˈboʊlstər/ 指「增强;激励」(to help someone to feel better and more positive),相当于boost。举个例子:He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory’s confidence. 他正在采取大胆行动以提振辖区信心。

at fault 指「有过错,应当负责」(if someone is at fault, they are responsible for something bad that has happened),举个例子:The police said that the other driver was at fault. 警方说是另一名司机的责任 。


perpetrator 指「作恶者;犯罪者」(someone who does something morally wrong or illegal)。其动词形式为 perpetrate,指「做错事;犯罪」,相当于 commit,举个例子:Who could have perpetrated such a dreadful crime? 谁会犯下如此可怕的罪行?


speculate /ˈspekjəleɪt/ 指「推测,猜测」,比如:Some analysts speculated that jobs will be lost. 一些分析家推测工作职位将会减少。


point the finger (at sb.) 是一个习语,意思是「责怪某人」。人们当面争吵或情绪激动指责某人时,通常会用手指指向对方,所以用 point the finger 表示「责怪某人」非常形象,很有画面感,含义上相当于 blame sb。比如:I knew that they would point the finger at me. 我知道他们会责怪我的。

In 2010, France was home to nearly five million Muslims, over a million more than The United States, a country nearly five times the size of France. And many French Muslims are perceived as far more religious than they are French. In part, that is due to the very visual issue of the veil in public space. An issue that has been under debate in France for over twenty-five years. Right now, as of 2004, it’s not allowed in public schools, but they’ve stopped short of banning it in the street because that’s seen as a personal liberties scenario, right? Marine Le Pen would like to ban it in general.

2010 年时,法国拥有近 500 万穆斯林,比美国多出 100 多万,而美国总人口数是法国的将近五倍。人们认为,许多法国穆斯林对其宗教身份的认同远高于对其法国国民身份的认同。在某种程度上,这种印象源于面纱在公共场所产生的视觉效果。在法国,关于面纱话题的争论已经持续了超过 25 年。自 2004 年起,法国便禁止在公立学校佩戴面纱,但是在街上并未禁止,因为街头被视为个人自由空间。而玛丽娜·勒庞则希望全面禁止佩戴面纱。



2011 年 4 月 11 日,这一“面纱禁令”作为一项法律正式在法国全国范围内生效,禁止女性穆斯林在公共场所穿戴“尼卡布”和“布卡”(“尼卡布”包裹头发、面颊、口鼻等部位;“布卡”则在此基础上增加垂饰和面纱,以遮挡眼部)。

法国 6000 万人口中有 500 多万穆斯林,是欧洲穆斯林比例最多的国家。对“面纱禁令”的正式实施,据法新社报道,萨科齐政府相信,这将有助于“法国国民保持相同的价值观,延续国家的世俗化以及博爱理念”。萨科齐还公开表示:“伊斯兰头巾不是一个宗教标志,而是妇女受到压制的标志。我郑重地宣布,伊斯兰头巾在我们的领土不受欢迎。”这项禁令引发了穆斯林群体的不满,禁令生效当天,几十名法国穆斯林妇女穿戴面纱或罩袍在巴黎圣母院前举行示威。

2021 年 3 月,法国参议院再次通过一项“面纱禁令”,禁止女性监护人在接送孩子的时候佩戴具有宗教象征意义的头巾。后来,这项禁令扩大到了各种公共场所。这些禁令再次引起了穆斯林群体的不满。世界各地的穆斯林女性手举写有“Hands off My Hijab”的标语举行了抗议活动。

be under debate 指「讨论中,争论中」(being discussed or disputed),举个例子:What topics are under debate in Congress this week? 本周国会讨论的是什么议题?


stop short of doing sth 是个习语,指「将要做某事时突然罢手,险些做某事」,比如:The US government supported sanctions but stopped short of military action. 美国政府支持制裁,但不愿采取军事行动。


scenario 指「设想;可能发生的情况」,举个例子:In the worst-case scenario, you could become a homeless person. 最坏的情况是你可能会无家可归。

"The principles we fight for are engraved in our national motto: liberty, equality, fraternity, which stems from the principles of secularization resulting from a Christian heritage."

By setting classic liberal ideals against Islamic fundamentalism, Marine Le Pen promotes French nationalism by claiming she is protecting French identity. Similarly, she has framed globalization as a threat to French values.

"Globalization feeds on the denial of the fundamental pillars on which the French nation was founded, and which most French people still regard as essential."

Marine Le Pen has said she will hold a referendum to pull France out of the EU. She would like to ask for a "Frexit", as we just had a Brexit. She would like a return to a sovereign currency and she very much would like to return to a France of a different era.





frame A as B指「将 A 说成是 B」,frame 在这里为动词,指「(小心措辞以)表达」,比如:You'll have to be careful how you frame the question.  如何提出这个问题,你得慎重。

referendum 指「全民投票;全民公决」(when people vote in order to make a decision about a particular subject, rather than voting for a person)。

pull A out of B 指「将 A 从 B 中抽出」,也可以写作 pull A from B,在这里,to pull France out of the EU 指「让法国退出欧盟」。

If France was to be able to be actually removed, it would be the end of the European experiment as we know it. As the National Front’s poll numbers have risen over the past decade, the rhetoric of other political candidates has begun to shift to the right. The parties to the center-right begin to adopt a number of her ideas. Even if she doesn’t succeed, there is a conversation taking place that is much, much more skeptical of immigration. Now it's become racialized and tinged with this sort of anti-Islam Islamophobia space, as well.


rhetoric /ˈretərɪk/ 原本指「修辞,修辞学」,现在 political rhetoric 引申为「政治主张」。

tinge /tɪn(d)ʒ/ 为动词,指「着淡色于…;使带有一点〔情绪、特质等〕」(to give something a small amount of a particular colour, emotion, or quality)。短语 tinged with sth. 指「略带一点〔某种颜色、情绪、品质等〕」,比如:His voice was tinged with sadness and regret. 他的声音里带有一丝悲伤和遗憾。

Islamophobia 指「反伊斯兰情绪」(hatred or fear of Muslims),由 Islamo 和 phobia 两部分构成,phobia 为名词,指「恐惧(症)」(a strong unreasonable fear of something),比如:a strong unreasonable fear of something。

The real question is: do European nations, are they nimble enough to move into a space of multiculturalism and is that what they want? And one of the things that Marine Le Pen will say is, "This is not a battle for an election, this is a battle between globalization and patriotism." So, she sets it up as the idea that one is not a patriot unless one buys into the idea of a very specific type of France, which a lot of people would see themselves left out of.


nimble 为形容词,指「敏捷的,灵活的」(able to move quickly and easily with light neat movements),比如:a nimble mind/brain/wit  敏捷的思维/头脑/才智。


2017 年败选后,勒庞调整了自己的个人形象与政治路线,试图撕掉身上极端化标签。她将“国民阵线”(Front National)改名为“国民联盟”(Rassemblement National),希望借此来彻底摆脱父亲“极端破坏者”的形象。虽然她仍然倡导“法国优先”政策,但是不再激烈地反对外来移民。


虽然这次总统梦再度落空,但勒庞表示“这个结果已经是辉煌的胜利”。靠着她,右翼政党在总统大选中首次赢得超过 40%的选票。也正因此,许多媒体警告马克龙虽连任成功,但面临的是“一个更加分裂的法国”。接下来,勒庞还将聚焦 6 月举行的法国议会选举,“游戏尚未结束”,小马仍需努力。


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