



5 月 9 日是俄罗斯国家胜利日,77 年前的这一天,德国在柏林签署了无条件投降书,标志着二战欧洲战区战事结束,也标志着苏联卫国战争的胜利。





Part 1 战事胶着中迎来胜利日庆典

Moscow's dismissed speculation that Russia is planning a declaration of all-out war against Ukraine on the 9th of May. Our correspondent Rossakins has been exploring the importance of this day, known as Victory Day, as well as its symbolism and its historical significance.

The 9th of May is Victory Day in Russia. It commemorates the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945. And in recent years, Victory Day has been marked with a military parade in Moscow. This is 2021, Steve Rosenberg was there.

"Under Vladimir Putin, Victory Day has become the central pillar of a new national idea, based around patriotism and around the idea of Russia as the besieged fortress surrounded by enemies and threatened by the West."

Now this year May the 9th takes on even more significance, as Jenny Hill explains. "A lot of analysts had thought that's when Vladimir Putin might want to present the Russian people with a historic victory all of his own in Ukraine."

人们猜测俄罗斯计划于 5 月 9 日对乌克兰全面宣战,但是俄罗斯驳斥了这一说法。我们的记者罗特金斯一直在探讨 5 月 9 日(又被称为胜利日)的重要性,其象征意义及历史意义。

5 月 9 日是俄罗斯的国家胜利日,为纪念 1945 年苏联打败纳粹德国。近年来,俄罗斯都会通过在莫斯科举行阅兵式作为庆祝。接下来是 2021 年我台记者史蒂夫·罗森博格的报道。


而今年 5 月 9 日的意义更胜往年,我们来看珍妮·希尔的解读。“众多分析人士认为,普京希望届时能在俄乌冲突中取得历史性胜利,作为他给俄罗斯国民的节日贺礼。”

dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ v. 拒绝考虑,否定(to refuse to consider someone’s idea, opinion etc, because you think it is not serious, true, or important)。比如,有人认为国家医疗政策一塌糊涂,政府对这种批评持否认态度:The government has dismissed criticisms that the country’s health policy is a mess.

speculation /ˌspekjəˈleɪʃən/ n. 猜测,推测(when you guess about the possible causes or effects of something without knowing all the facts, or the guesses that you make)。

all-out adj. 全力以赴的,竭尽全力的(done in a very determined way, and involving a lot of energy or anger)。比如:all-out war / attack / offensive etc. 全面的战争 / 进攻 / 攻击等。

symbolism /ˈsɪmbəlɪzəm/ n. (自然,事实的)象征意义(symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts)。



1945 年 5 月 8 日当地时间午夜,法西斯德国在柏林郊区正式签署无条件投降书。此时,苏联已是 5 月 9 日凌晨。苏联自此将 5 月 9 日定为“卫国战争胜利日”。苏联解体后,独联体国家沿袭了这一传统。现在,“卫国战争胜利日”是俄罗斯最隆重的节日之一。

图为德军将领威廉·凯特尔签署无条件投降书(1945 年 5 月 8 日)

commemorate /kəˈmeməreɪt/ v. 庆祝,为…举行纪念活动(to do something to show that you remember and respect someone important or an important event in the past)。比如:A series of movies will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death. 为纪念他逝世 30 周年,有一系列的电影将要上映。


mark v. 庆祝,纪念(重要事件)(to celebrate an important event )。mark A with B 指「用 B 来庆祝 A」,比如:Carter’s 90th birthday will be marked with a large party at the Savoy Hotel. 卡特 90 岁生日将在萨沃伊酒店举办盛宴庆贺。


parade /pəˈreɪd/ n. 阅兵式(a military ceremony in which soldiers stand or march together so that important people can examine them)。


pillar /'pɪlə/ n.(组织、制度、信仰等的)核心,基础,支柱(a basic part or feature of a system, organization, belief, etc.)。比如:the central pillar of this theory 这一理论的核心支柱。


besiege /bɪˈsiːdʒ/  v. 包围;围攻;围困(to surround a city or castle with military force until the people inside let you take control)。比如:In April 655, Osman’s palace was besieged by rebels. 公元655年4月,奥斯曼的宫殿遭到叛军围攻。siege 为名词,指 a situation in which an army or the police surround a place and try to gain control of it or force someone to come out of it(军队或警方对地方的)围困,封锁,包围。be under siege 相当于 besieged


fortress /ˈfɔːtrɪs/ n.堡垒(a large strong building used for defending an important place)。

Part 2 胜利日的由来

To understand why Victory Day matters so much, we have to go back to the evening of the 8th of May 1945. Germany formally surrendered, ending the second world war in Europe. Different time zones meant it was the 9th of may in Moscow. But the conflict had already claimed millions of Soviet lives. 27 million, according to a government estimate. Many died in battles on the Eastern Front, known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia. Many more civilians were killed by famine and disease and by Nazi atrocities. Overcoming the Nazis was and is a source of huge national pride, and it helps explain why Putin has used false claims about Nazis in Ukraine to justify this year's invasion. "What the regime is doing is using the memory of the war, and the very deep feelings it arouses to legitimize its actions not just in Ukraine, but in many other places as well."

要理解胜利日的重要性,我们要回到 1945 年 5 月 8 日的那个晚上。德国在那天正式投降,标志着二战欧洲战场战事结束。由于时差的原因,当时莫斯科已经是 5 月 9 日。但是在二战胜利之前,战争已经夺走了数百万苏联人的生命,官方数据为 270 万人。许多人死在了二战东部战线的战争中,也就是俄罗斯著名的卫国战争。还有更多平民死于饥荒、疾病和纳粹的暴行。不论是过去还是现在,打败纳粹都是俄罗斯民族自豪感的来源之一,这解释了为何普京会利用乌克兰纳粹分子的虚假声明,来合法化其对乌克兰的入侵。“普京政府要做的,是利用民众对二战的回忆、以及二战唤起的民众情绪,合法化其所作所为,不仅在乌克兰,也在其他许多地区。”

surrender /səˈrendər/ v. 投降(to say officially that you want to stop fighting, because you realize that you cannot win)。举个例子:Japan surrendered in August 1945. 日本于 1945 年 8 月投降。


conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ n. 武装冲突;战斗;战争(fighting or a war)。举个例子:armed/military conflict 武装/军事冲突。the conflict 就是指代前面提到的苏联卫国战争。


claim  /kleɪm/ v. 战争、事故等夺去生命,主要用于新闻报道(if a war, accident etc claims lives, people die because of it – used especially in news reports)。举个例子:The earthquake has so far claimed over 3,000 lives. 到目前为止这场地震已经夺去了3,000多人的生命。


东部战线(Eastern Front)


东部战线的战争异常残酷,二战在全球范围内共导致了 7,000 万—8,500 万人死亡,其中东部战线死亡人数为 3,000 万。





卫国战争是 1941-1945 年期间苏联人民为反对法西斯德国及其欧洲、亚洲盟国侵略而进行的战争。

1941 年 6 月 22 日凌晨,德国撕毁《苏德互不侵犯条约》向苏联发起全线进攻,企图在三个月内征服苏联,苏德卫国战争由此爆发。在战争初期,苏联因对德国的突然袭击准备不足,作战严重失利,损失惨重。1941 年 9 月—1942 年 1 月,苏联红军在莫斯科会战中获胜,粉碎了德军“闪击战”计划。1942 年 7 月—1943 年 2 月,双方展开斯大林格勒战役,苏联红军开始转入战略反攻阶段,从根本上扭转了苏德战争和第二次世界大战的战局。1944 年,苏联红军将德军全部逐出国土并进入东南欧作战。1945年5月2日,苏联红军攻克柏林,5 月 8 日德国投降,苏德卫国战争结束。


famine /ˈfæmɪn/ n. 饥荒,饥馑(a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time and many people die)。举个例子:Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine. 成千上万的难民陷于战争、旱灾和饥荒之中。

atrocity /əˈtrɒsəti/ n. (尤指战争中的)暴行(an extremely cruel and violent action, especially during a war)。


1946-1947 苏联大饥荒

二战争结束后,苏联生育率暴增,1946 年又逢干旱,导致粮食歉收。战后的苏联政府一意孤行推行激进的经济改革,同时为了扩大国际影响,不管国内百姓需求,大量出口粮食。以上多种因素叠加,导致了 1946-1947 年苏联大饥荒。

这场饥荒造成的后果难以估量,死亡人数大约在 50 万到 200 万之间。

regime /reɪˈʒiːm/ n. 政府;政权;政体(a particular government or a system or method of government)。举个例子:The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown. 腐败的旧极权政府被推翻。


arouse /əˈraʊz/ v. 唤起,激起(感觉、情绪或回应)。arouse hostility/suspicion/resentment/anger 引起敌意/怀疑/憎恨/愤怒。


legitimize /lɪˈdʒɪtəmaɪz/ v. 使合法化;合理化(to make something legal or acceptable)。

Part 3 事与愿违

And in the eyes of the West, these emotional connections between a past war and a present one are creating an expectation. "The Russian military commanders are under huge political pressure from Vladimir Putin to deliver an outcome before the May the 9th parade in Moscow." Russia denies this. Its foreign minister Sergey Lavrov says, "Our soldiers won't base their actions on a specific date." The Kremlin says, "We will celebrate it the way we always do." And certainly the rehearsals in Moscow look familiar, but president Zelensky of Ukraine thinks we'll see a difference. " "This war has already weakened Russia so much that they have to plan even less military equipment to take part in the parade in Moscow."

在西方看来,过去的战争和当下的战争之间的情感联系正创造一种期待。“俄军将领面临着来自普京的巨大政治压力,要在莫斯科 5 月 9 日胜利日阅兵前在战场上取得进展。”但俄罗斯否定了该说法。俄外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫称:“我们的士兵不会为某个特定的日子而采取行动。”克里姆林宫称:“我们将按照往年的方式庆祝胜利日。”莫斯科的阅兵彩排确实有昔日的风采,但是乌克兰总统泽连斯基认为今年的胜利日会不同于往年。“这场战争已经重创了俄罗斯的国力,导致俄罗斯不得不削减阅兵式的装备数量。”

commander /kəˈmɑːndər/  n. 指挥官,长官(an officer of any rank who is in charge of a group of soldiers or a particular military activity)。


deliver /dɪˈlɪvə/ v. 提供,兑现(承诺的东西,所期之物)。举个例子:The government has failed to deliver (what it promised). 政府没有兑现(承诺)。


rehearsal / rɪˈhɜːsəl/ n. 排练,排演(a time when all the people in a play, concert etc practise before a public performance),举个例子:Our new production of ‘Hamlet’ is currently in rehearsal. 我们的新版《哈姆雷特》正在排练之中。

It's true. This year's parade by some measures will be smaller. In 2021, 190 pieces of military hardware appeared in Red Square. In 2022 it will be 131. Though to be clear, that's more than, say, in 2017. The broader point though is that both Zelensky and Putin understand the symbolism of this moment, and there's another total that is inescapable this Victory Day. Russia said in March that over 1,300 soldiers had died in this war. NATO estimates the figure is between 7,000 and 15,000. This makes the 9th of May a complex moment for Vladimir Putin, because while Russian cosmonauts unfold a victory banner in space and preparations for the 9th of May continue, so too does Putin's war in Ukraine. Despite this, Putin may use the 9th of May to declare some form of victory, but it won't be the victory he'd hoped for when he started this war.

(泽连斯基)所言不假。按照某些标准,今年的阅兵式规模将小于往年。在 2021 年胜利日,190 件重型军事装备出现在红场。今年,这个数字将只有 131,不过要知道,这还是比 2017 年要多一些。泽连斯基和普京都明白胜利日所承载的象征意义。对于今年的胜利日,俄罗斯还要面对另一个逃不开的数字。今年 3 月,俄罗斯称已经有 1,300 多名士兵死于这场战争。而北约估计俄军死亡人数在 7,000 到 15,000 之间。今年 5 月 9 日对于普京来说注定是情绪复杂的一天,在俄罗斯宇航员在太空展示胜利红旗、胜利日在准备的同时,俄乌战争也仍在继续。尽管情况复杂,普京仍然可能会利用这个时机宣布俄罗斯取得了某种形式的胜利,但这绝不是开战前他所期待的胜利。

total /ˈtəʊtl/ n. 总数,总额(the whole number or amount of something)。


cosmonaut /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ n.(苏联的)宇航员,太空人(an astronaut from the former Soviet Union)。


2017 年胜利日

2017 年 5 月 9 日是俄罗斯卫国战争胜利 72 周年纪念日。俄罗斯当地时间上午 10 点,也就是北京时间下午 3 点,在莫斯科红场举行了盛大的阅兵式。共有 10,001 名官兵、114 件武器装备以及 72 架飞机参与了阅兵式。


红场 Red Square

红场是莫斯科最古老的广场 ,位于俄罗斯首都莫斯科市中心,是许多重大历史事件的见证场所,更是俄罗斯重要节日举行群众集会、大型庆典和阅兵活动的举办地。

图为俄罗斯宇航员展示苏联红军 1945 年在柏林升起的胜利红旗复制版。


爱奇艺首次盈利,但这并非长视频的胜利写在胜利日边上:哪有什么胜利可言,挺住就意味着一切田鸡鹅乌最新(5.9):失败的胜利日集句 两联"胜利日"看俄乌局势:俄罗斯未必输,但美国不会赢普京会在5月9日“胜利日”这天做什么?B站需要竖屏短视频|Long China 50 分析普京胜利日阅兵的“历史内涵”读视频|差点击败马克龙的“女版特朗普”,是什么来头?中国最低调的影帝,走了​成功蝉联台湾首富,最低调的 “千亿鞋王”如何度过经营危机?普京:一个人的战争,一个人的胜利!美国高法让各州自行决定堕胎权,是自由的胜利Kindle退出,是谁的胜利?正欢送新冠远去时突然来了个怪物Deltacron比苏杭秀丽,因《长津湖》爆火!这座低调的江南老城,才是浙江人心中的NO.1!一场并不辉煌的胜利后,马克龙的“忒修斯之船”重新启航江苏最低调的城市,人均GDP超南京苏州今日聚焦:俄罗斯胜利日阅兵,普京总统加入“不朽兵团”!令人深思……[电脑] 一台低调的风冷主机 - 九州风神 幻境黑 CK560 装机分享内娱最低调的男星,竟然这么有背景?董宇辉火了,一次属于普通人的胜利2022饶毅北大讲课视频|《生物学概念与途径》11(下):整合普京的胜利日阅兵6.3:乌克兰的胜利普京现在想什么?胜利日讲话透露端倪中国最低调的影帝,陈道明也不敢惹普京胜利日阅兵讲话全文独立战争是众多走出教堂换上战袍的牧师与基督徒浴血奋战的胜利!亚速钢铁厂守军无条件投降,西方舆论称之“俄罗斯的胜利”图片故事(20)儿子的教育[单车] 佳能戴尔最低调的涂装-Cannondale Super Six Evo Hi-Mod【庭院种菜】育苗之前浸泡种子有好处吗?《梦华录》破15亿,背后这座低调的“八朝古都”终于火了。