Hiring | Assistant Director for Compliance

Hiring | Assistant Director for Compliance





Brief Job Description:

Under the supervision of the Deputy Director for Compliance and Federal Relations or designee, the Assistant Director for Compliance is the Department’s senior leader on matters of compliance and will be responsible for developing and implementing policies, procedures and systems to ensure that MOH operations are in compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations. The Assistant Director must both be a policy expert and an operational leader, ensuring that the department’s compliance efforts are effective and support the efficient delivery of services to the people of Boston.    



  • Ensures that MOH, its subrecipients and end recipients are in compliance with all federal and state grant regulations, local executive orders and deed restriction requirements..

  • Provides direct supervision for the staff members of the Compliance Unit.

  • Keeps abreast of all applicable new federal, state and local program and cross-cutting regulations and work with program staff to develop policies and procedures to ensure compliance.

  • Creates and manages internal control systems to ensure compliance with all required policies while finding opportunities to streamline existing processes to provide better services to the department and its customers.

  • Ensures that all affordable housing deed restriction requirements are tracked and monitored in a timely fashion, including rent, income and owner-occupancy requirements, and that appropriate enforcement actions are taken.

  • Ensures that all land use restrictions and other requirements for conveyed properties are tracked and monitored in a timely fashion and that appropriate enforcement actions are taken as needed.

  • Ensures compliance with and documentation of all Housing and Urban Development (HUD) eligible activity and national objective requirements.

  • Ensures that all job creation/job retention requirements are monitored, met and properly documented.

  • Regularly evaluates the performance of the Compliance Unit and implement management solutions to resolve problems, assist staff members in their professional development, and reach compliance goals.

  • Handles all activity set ups in HUD’s Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) and regularly monitor IDIS reports to ensure compliance with all funding commitment, expenditure and completion deadlines.

  • Collects completion and beneficiary data for all IDIS projects on an ongoing basis to ensure timely year end reporting to HUD.

  • Performs other related duties as assigned.



Minimum Entrance Qualifications:

  • Four (4) years of related work experience,  at least two of which were in a supervisory capacity 

  • Knowledge of HUD program regulations and monitoring requirements

  • Strong management skills and ability to motivate staff

  • Excellent organizational, problem solving and communication skills

  • Appropriate educational substitutions may be made

  • At least one year’s experience with HUD’s IDIS system preferred

  • Ability to exercise good judgment and focus on detail as required by the job


Union/Salary/Plan/Grade:  Nonunion/NU -26

Hours per week:  35







名额有限 火速订阅吧!



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