TD Ameritrade account is scheduled to move to Schwab?
楼主 (文学城)
我很久很久不看股票账户了,这刚想开一个Roth IRA账户,一看:
Before we autofill, let’s make sure we use the right information. Your existing TD Ameritrade account is scheduled to move to Schwab on May 26. If you open a new account at TD Ameritrade, please be aware it will not move to Schwab at the same time as your existing account(s). Instead, your new account will move to Schwab in a later transition group. We’ll let you know the exact date about three months before the move. 这个没什么影响吧?我的股票账户里就很少一点儿钱,是不是放心大胆继续开就行了?