楼主 (北美华人网)
西雅图上上周有个支持以色列的游行,大概也就百十号人吧,我在温哥华的朋友同时发来了他那边的视频,是支持巴勒斯坦的,我还感慨犹太人还是在美国势力大, 结果昨天同一个地方居然有2千多支持巴勒斯坦的游行。据说是这个城市最大的游行。不禁有点吃惊穆斯林势力之大。
问题是如果战争形势恶化,那这两派可以在很多城市直接开撕吧,治安会怎样就不知道了。 你们的城市是啥情况?
Sunday afternoon, more than a thousand pro-Palestine protesters packed downtown Bellevue. It''''s one of the largest and loudest demonstrations so far in the Seattle area. The signs were more provocative as well with references to Hitler.
问题是如果战争形势恶化,那这两派可以在很多城市直接开撕吧,治安会怎样就不知道了。 你们的城市是啥情况?
PROTESTS ERUPT: Sunday afternoon, more than a thousand pro-Palestine protesters packed downtown Bellevue. It's one of the largest and loudest demonstrations so far in the Seattle area. The signs were more provocative as well with references to Hitler.https://twitter.com/choeshow/status/1716241287572304333
Tons of police on scene… pic.twitter.com/7rBJOvYRdk — Jonathan Choe Journalist (Seattle) (@choeshow) October 22, 2023
Sunday afternoon, more than a thousand pro-Palestine protesters packed downtown Bellevue. It''''s one of the largest and loudest demonstrations so far in the Seattle area. The signs were more provocative as well with references to Hitler.