美国护照与中国护照为同一人声明(Same Person Statement)
本人,___张三(Zhang, San)___,出生日期____________,出生地___________,目前为美国公民,美国护照号码______________,中国护照号码_______________
I, __zhang, san__,Date of birth _______________,place of birth ________________,is U.S citizen,U.S Passport No.___________, Chinese Passport No.______________
Attached with true copy of U.S Passport and Chinese passport, refer to attachment I (Page 2) and attachment II (Page 3)
Being duly sworn in, hereby solemnly declare that the ownership of U.S passport attached and Chinese passport attached are the same person.I declare, that the foregoing is true and correct. I am the person named above, and I assume full responsibility for the declaration.