【唱坛好声音】赶末班车求收留: Sad movies
楼主 (文学城)
经过暗无天日的两个星期鏖战, 硬撑着没敢上网, 又兼感冒, 本来以为没什么希望加入这份热闹了,结果喜出望外似乎还有空缺? 拿上我的老歌旧船票, 可否登上你的客船?
Sad Movies 是六十年代英文老歌, 防火防盗防闺蜜的先驱?
Sa-a-a-d moviesAlways make me cry He said he had to work
So I went to the show alone
They turned down the lights
And turned the projector on And just as the news of the world started to begin
I saw my darlin' and my best friend walk in Though I was sittin' there they didn't see
And so they sat right down in front of me
When he kissed her lips I almost died
And in the middle of the color cartoon
I started to cry. Oh-oh-oh, sa-a-a-d movies
Always make me cry
Oh-oh-oh, sa-a-a-d movies
Always make me cry
(Doo-be doo-be doo-be doo-be doo be) So I got up and slowly walked on home
And mama saw the tears and said "what's wrong?"
And so to keep from telling her a lie
I just said "sa-a-a-d movies
Make me cry" (make me cry, oh-oh, oh) Oh-oh-oh, sa-a-a-d movies
Always make me cry
Oh-oh-oh, sa-a-a-d movies
Always make me cry
(Doo-be doo-be doo-be doo-be doo be) "Sa-a-a-d movies
Make me cry"