《At the End of a Rainbow 》cover Earl Grant
楼主 (文学城)
歌手Earl Grant是第一次听说,看来额太孤陋寡闻了
(At) The End (Of a Rainbow)
Song by Earl Grant At the end of a rainbowYou'll find a pot of gold
At the end of a story
You'll find it's all been told But our love has a treasure
Our hearts can always spend
And it has a story
Without any end At the end of a river
The water stops its flow
At the end of a highway
There's no place you can go But just tell me you love me
And you are only mine
And our love will go on
'Til the end of time At the end of a river
The water stops its flow
At the end of a highway
There's no place you can go But just tell me you love me
And you are only mine
And our love will go on
'Til the end of time 'Til the end of time
《At the End of a Rainbow 》cover Earl Grant 跟风仙妈即兴唱一首《碎银几两》送银子! 有木有看到《White Christmas》? 祝大家圣诞快乐! 《Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer》庆祝好声音活动胜利圆满落幕!喜迎圣诞! 《纷纷飘坠的音符》打call康妮雾里