entertaining dialogue from "Monsieur Spade" episode #4

entertaining dialogue from "Monsieur Spade" episode #4

楼主 (文学城)

Backgroud: Mr Spade is an American detective living in a french village.  One night, two men broke in and tried to kidnap a girl in his house and one man almost killed Spade.  But Spade captured the man and below is the dialogue between them, but mostly by him (with the red colour for the other man)


Another time, another place, a man tried to kill me, I would shot him or throw him out of a window, and forgotten he ever existed. But I'm older now and mostly wiser.

Do you have a name?
[no answer]

Didn't think so.

Are you a Dean Martin fan?
[no answer]

I figure that you've been well-trained and won't be easily persuaded to talk, but I'm gonna ask you some questions anyways. Easy questions. And every time you don't answer or say, "Je sais pas" (= I don't know), I'm gonna kick you in the head. You know? Like the song? And then answer the question myself.  Sound good?
[no answer, blow lands, man grunts]

Off we go.
So I don't have to be J. Edgar Hoover to guess that you're army intelligence and that your employers at SDECE, -- Did I pronounce that right?
[blow lands]

Oui, c'est bien ca (= yes, that's good). That's always been a hard one for me.
Where was I? Oh, yeah, SDECE, army intelligence, the outfit that you work for, who I'm assuming, like everyone else in the known universe, is angry with Philippe Sanit-Andre for stealing something, or, in this case, someone he was odered to protect. 
[man avoids being beaten]

No, that wasn't a question. But Sergeant Sanit-Andre does work for SDEGE, doesn't he?
[blow lands,man grunts]

That was a question, and the answer is ... Yes, Mr Spade, he does. But he went rogue. 
So did you and your pal drop by tonight to see if the girl could tell you where the kid is? 
[blow lands,man grunts]

Yes, you did. Because the original likely plan was that Sergeant Saint-Andre was to deliver tha kid to the big boys in Paris. 
[blow lands]

Yes, that was the plan. I'm on a hot streak, but now for the million-franc question. What is so important about this little kid that everyone is willing to muder nuns or kidnap young girls in order to get their hands on him?

Man: I don't know Orders were come and search, and if the boy wasn't there, to take the girl. 

But you came dressed for war, all gunned up like you thought you might get into a firefight. 

Man: you have a reputation.

I'm flattered, but ... 

[blow lands]
Man: Please, stop doing that.

I will if you stop talking bullshit. You thought Philippe might be here. 

Man: for good reason. Do you know what Saint-Andre did in Algeria?

He was with a sniper unit. 

Man: A secret spy unit. Sanit-Andre hunted down members of Organisation Armee Secrete. Yes. And assassinated them. He had over 30 kills.

Still, that tells me nothing as to why everyone, from the Vatican, to Frence intelligence, to the CIA, is after this kid.

Man: All I know is what I have heard whispered. 

Okay, then whisper it to me.
[head moves closer to the man]

Man: That the boy is the hub of many-spoked wheel.

That sounds like something you'd read in a fortune cookie.

Man: It's all I've heard. I swear on my mother's life.


2 楼
Ur English writing is very fluent!“That sounds like
3 楼
something you'd read in a fortune cookie.” 哈哈~
4 楼
Hoover's quite alive in public imagination. Thanks4Sharing.
5 楼
thx. but I didn't write it, just copied the words down. ;-)
6 楼
funny and witty, isn't it? ;-)
7 楼
u r welcome. a bit of controversial figure, wasn't he?
8 楼
and therefore appealing. Sure. It's a show, after all :-)
9 楼
Thank you for sharing! 先点赞,有空仔细看。:))
10 楼
take Ur time. Sorry it's a bit long, but worth reading.
11 楼
I meant Hoover, sorry for not being clear ;-)
12 楼
worth reading +100086! :))
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