【How Beautiful It Is】
【How Beautiful It Is】
By Tian Yu Zhi
How beautiful it is, that
I follow you this far, with only
The sound of syllables, metaphors, images
I feel your gazes, winks, smiles, hugs, kisses
Wiping off tears from my face,
Across the sky, and clouds
One day, I will meet you, to
Touch your eyes, lips, cheeks, chest
Cuddle up in bed with you,
Talk about the thousand poems
We wrote to each other,
The stories behind each one,
The supporting actors, always colorful
The antagonists, who has turned
A romantic movie into a Hollywood drama, of course,
The Snow White, and the lovely Seven Dwarfs
Or, I may not meet you at all
Still, how beautiful it is, my love
2024.2.9 Dragon New Year Eve
* "my love", 用作称呼。春节快乐,龙年吉祥,爱意丰盈 ~~
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