您还需要查看 Eliquis 的利润贡献
GREED WATCH: Bristol Myers Squibb Brought In More Than $45 Billion In 2023
2019年FDC已批准Eliquis仿制药。 BMY使用各种策略将其专利延长至2026年。为什么? 药品贡献了其2/3的利润。 Eliquis是Medicare处方中的NO.1药物,受益人数最多的会员 (3.5 million)。虽然Medicare花费最多的不是Eliquis,而是两种癌症药物,每种药物只惠及不到3万名会员。
Eiquis is at about $600 a month. Many Medicare Advantage plans cover it with only $5 co-pay but pay the full cost of the drug.
2024 Medicar Plan D allowance is 5030. Once over that you enter the donut hole (coverage gap)
At $600 a month, a patient even ONLY needs Eliquis (hardly likely), would go into donut hole by August.
8x600 = 4800.
一旦进入 Donut Hole,患者将承担25%的药品费用加上配药费(由配药的药房收取)。
Basically BMY is a 吸血者. It is about time to do something to stop the sleazy tactics big pharma used, i.e. using loophole to extend patent.