Caltech 的老师牛啊。
楼主 (文学城)
‘’Furthermore, unprepared students struggle here even though they would have thrived at other top schools like Stanford or Harvard. ‘’
‘’Furthermore, unprepared students struggle here even though they would have thrived at other top schools like Stanford or Harvard. ‘’
8K 人。一般草包不会申吧。
介绍学校的老师夸了一通学校以后说,如果你们不来这里而是去那两个我就不命名了的学校,"But if you go up I95 all the way to the sea you won't miss them."那你肯定会后悔的。
at Caltech, students have nothing else to do but study.
If that's what they want, so be it.
MIT 已经高度"藤"化