The Same Love

The Same Love


上周日(3月12日),由杨紫琼主演的"Everything Everywhere All at Once"(瞬息全宇宙)荣获第95届奥斯卡最佳影片,杨紫琼获得最佳女主角,成为首位亚裔(华裔)奥斯卡影后。这部天马行空的电影触发了我写小诗 "The Same Love" 的灵感 。 该片的片尾曲 "This Is A Life" 获得了本届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲的提名。

The Same Love
by CBA7

everywhere, everything
every universe, every star
they share the same stage
the stage of love

every country, every color
every ear
they hear the same sound
the sound of love

every face, every smile
every touch
they feel the same sense
the sense of love

every breath, every heartbeat 
every kiss
they speak the same language
the language of love


This Is A Life
Song by Son Lux

This is a life
Free from destiny
Not only what we sow
Not only what we show

This is a life
(Every possibility)
Free from destiny
(I choose you, and you choose me)
Not only what we sow
(Every space and every time)
Not only what we show
(That we know)

This is a light
Many lives that could've been
(Free from entropy)
Entangled for eternity
(Not only hands and toes)
(Not only what we've known)

We find this life somehow alright

This is a life
Slow and sudden miracles
View of other worlds
From our window sills
With the weight of eternity
At the speed of light
This is a life
This is our life

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来源: 文学城-CBA7
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