\'Doctor Zhivago\' by Boris Pasternak

\'Doctor Zhivago\' by Boris Pasternak

日瓦戈医生》的原著被称为当代苏俄文学中最优秀的作品, 刻画了一个知识分子在十月革命前后的理想、希望、沮丧和失望种种。 作品开篇从1902年写起,“结局”写到1929年,“尾声”则已写到第二次世界大战结束后的年月,时间跨度前后约半个世纪。 刚获得诺贝尔文学奖,就被封杀了近三十年 作品描绘了一份在动荡年代中的史诗爱情 作者鲍里斯·帕斯捷尔纳克迫于被驱逐出境的威胁而拒绝领奖,不久郁郁而死。

"The original of 'Doctor Zhivago' is considered one of the finest works of contemporary Soviet literature, portraying the ideals, hopes, frustrations, and disappointments of an intellectual before and after the October Revolution. The work begins in 1902 and concludes in 1929 with an epilogue that extends to the end of World War II, spanning roughly half a century.

Despite just winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, the book was banned for nearly thirty years. The work depicts an epic love story set amidst the turbulent times.

Author Boris Pasternak refused the award due to threats of exile, and he later died of depression."

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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