




Hello. My name is Emily. Mommy probably talked about me a lot cause she does that. I am sick. With a cold I'm pretty sure. I have a sore throat, and cough, and the snuffles. Plus, I'm tired all the time. I hope it goes away soon. Anyways, mommy made my favorite noodles for dinner tonight! SUPER yummy. Maybe she can give you the recipe, because I CANNOT remember it. I have a terrible memory. Like, what did I have for breakfast this morning? Did I even have one? See, things like this. Also, the pills I'm taking are huge! I can like feel them going down my esophagus. (Fancy word for throat I think. It's one of the only things I remember from science class.) Mommy also told me to spell Orthostatic Hypotension when I told her I have dizzy spells,  and I got it right! Yay me!

Mommy told me I have to have seperate paragraghs in the blog, so here we are! You know, this reminds me of writing an essay, just shorter, and more fun. That's pretty much it. ( P.S. I do not know what to put here, or how to end a blog.)


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来源: 文学城-落花飘零
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