安东尼·波登:成名后,每一天都是磨难 | 经济学人文化
Culture | World in a dish
Culture | World in a dish
A candid new book explores Anthony Bourdain’s trials
Sometimes getting everything you want can be as disastrous as failing to
By the time Anthony Bourdain hanged himself in a French hotel room on June 8th 2018, he was the envy of food-obsessed travellers the world over. Twenty years earlier he had been a competent but unknown chef with frustrated literary ambitions and a louche, drug-filled past. Then “Kitchen Confidential”, his book of 2000, became a surprise bestseller, and launched a series of increasingly ambitious television shows built around a simple concept: “I travel around the world, eat a lot of shit and basically do whatever the fuck I want.”
2018年6月8日,安东尼·波登(Anthony Bourdain)在法国一家酒店自缢身亡。生前,他活成了全世界美食旅行家都想成为的样子。而在20年前,他是一位厨艺精湛却默默无闻的主厨,怀揣着文学梦,却郁郁不得志,终日吸毒不断,过着离经叛道的生活。他2000年出版的《厨房机密档案》意外畅销,由此推出了一档电视节目,并越发倾注自己的心血。整档节目围绕一个简单的主题:“周游世界,尝遍美食,凡我所愿,基本实现。”
It turned out that a lot of people liked watching him do just that: between 2002 and his death he made hundreds of episodes. Off-screen, he had two failed marriages, a rocky relationship with Asia Argento, an Italian actor, and a punishing schedule that kept him on the road for most of the year. As “Down and Out in Paradise”, Charles Leerhsen’s gritty, well-researched new biography makes clear, Bourdain carried with him an array of compulsions, addictions and insecurities. Mr Leerhsen tries to explain why a man with legions of adoring fans and the best job in the world would end his life and why, years later, so many people still care about him.
事实证明,很多人都喜欢看他的节目。自2002年开始到他自杀,他出品了数百期节目。但荧幕之外,他离过两次婚,与意大利演员艾西亚·阿基多(Asia Argento)的恋爱也难以维系,繁忙的工作让他一年中大部分时间都在四处奔波。查理斯·李尔森(Charles Leerhsen)认真地做了大量研究,出版了《天堂赶路人》。书中明确指出,波登容易冲动,嗜好成瘾,一直没有安全感。李尔森试图弄清楚,波登有着这么多粉丝,做着世界上最好的工作,又为什么要自杀,并且为什么多年以后依旧有很多人在乎他。
Bourdain left no note, making Mr Leerhsen’s first task speculative. He was drinking heavily, taking steroids and human-growth hormone and, on some level, deeply unhappy. “I hate my fans,” he texted his second wife a few months before he died. “I hate being famous. I hate my job. I am lonely and living in constant uncertainty.” But after a shoot on the last night of his life he went to a beer garden in Germany, where “he lit up like the Tony I once knew”, a companion said. “Everything was normal.” The only person who knew what was going through Bourdain’s mind that night was Bourdain himself.
But biographers and friends alike have looked for clues. Certainly, he put himself under tremendous pressure. He worked far more than he needed to. Before his screen and literary careers took off, he was distinguished more by his organisational skills than his culinary imagination. He could oversee a kitchen cooking hundreds of meals per shift, but did not devise new techniques or recipes. He never lost this driven, line-cook’s mentality.
His TV shows, which began as a sort of lark (“scary and amateurish”, an early colleague called his approach), had become an enterprise. And he had become what he had once mocked: a television personality. He did it on his terms, with a sort of punk-rock soulfulness—curious, intrepid and warm, yet also a little shy and diffident. But he was still a brand. As Mr Leerhsen explains, “authenticity, in the sense of being the real thing and not a pretender, was [a] lifelong preoccupation” for Bourdain. The pretence involved in the brand-building may ultimately have been intolerable.
It made him rich and famous—but tragedy, as Oscar Wilde knew, can sometimes stem from getting everything you want, rather than from failing to. “What do you do”, Bourdain asked his viewers, near the end of a show shot in Sardinia, “when all of your dreams come true?”
他的电视节目让他名利双收,但用奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)的话来说,即悲剧有时是想得到的都得到了,而非得不到。在撒丁岛的一次节目拍摄接近尾声时,波登问他的观众:“当你的一切愿望都实现了,你会做什么呢?”
01 第十三期翻译打卡营
02 第二期考研写作课
03 早起打卡营