节目中八位优秀的医学生初入医院进行临床学习,面对一次次紧张刺激的考核,经历一次次挫败,向着自己心中神圣的目标一步步靠近。对于医学生来说,从决定学医开始,8 年的本硕博连读是基础,还得拥有多年的临床经验以及多篇论文;还有远超于 “996”的工作时长,除了需要高度集中注意的工作以外,还要具备进行终生学习的能力和信念。即便如此,这个职业依旧吸引着千千万万优秀的求学者。正如美国思想家爱默生所说:只要生命还可珍贵,医生这个职业就永远倍受崇拜。各个高校医学院也不遗余力地培养出一批批“白衣天使”。为了培养思想品德高尚、具有宽厚的知识基础、扎实的临床技能和优秀的职业素养,并具备多种发展潜能,追求卓越、引领未来的医学领军人才,北京协和医学院于2018年率先在中国开启了“临床医学专业培养模式改革试点班”(简称“4+4”试点班)。“4+4”试点班面向全球高水平大学招收包括理科、工科、文科等多学科背景的优秀本科毕业生接受医学教育,学制4年,合格毕业生均授予医学博士学位。试点班采用多学科整合、以模块结构为特征的专业核心课程,采用国际上通行的以案例为基础、以临床问题为导向的教学、小组讨论、翻转课堂、模拟教学等方法。临床教学中实行学生融入病房医疗团队、在实践中学习的教学模式。临床课程及见习、实习均在北京协和医院进行。很多人可能不知道,北京协和医学院八年制医学专业的高考录取分数线,比北大、清华的大多数专业都要高。建立于1917年的北京协和医学院是中国八年制医学教育、高等护理教育和公共卫生教育的发源地,百年来培养了包括林巧稚、黄家驷、吴阶平在内的大批医学泰斗,成为中国现代医学诸多学科和专业的奠基者、开拓者和引领者。“4+4”试点班目前已经招收了4届学生,不仅有来自包括美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、新加坡等地的名校毕业生,而且其本科专业也涵盖了生命科学、化学、物理、工程、地质、数学、信息学、经济学、心理学等丰富多元的学科背景。中国医学科学院院长、北京协和医学院校长王辰表示:“不同学科背景的医生,在遇到相应学科问题的时候,比如工学、信息学、生物学、法学的时候,他很容易跟其他的学科结合起来。于是医学界整体就具备了和多个学科多个行业充分的沟通交流、共融协同的能力,这样的医生将来成为医届领袖的可能性就很大。”还记得年少时的梦想吗?想要救助弱者,想要妙手回春,想要实现人生价值,想为人类做出大贡献,那么医学就是最适合你的专业。Still remember the cherished dreams you had when you were younger, to soften people’s pains, effect a miraculous cure, and even save lives? Then rethink the medical profession as your future career to make your dreams come true.它最能体现最高尚的人道本义,是汇集人类智慧与才能之大成者,也是最能表达善良、救护病者、体恤痛者、体现人生价值的职业。Practicing medicine allows you to extend the warmest kindness, empathize with the ill, save the sick, and help you realize the value of life. It is the very epitome of the noblest compassion, the brightest wisdom and talent.正如北京协和医学院的校长王辰院士所说:“医学是最为可爱的专业、职业、行业、事业,值得、应当执守和奉献终身。”协和医学院的“4+4”试点班就是你通往这一事业的桥梁。As Academician Wang Chen, President of Peking Union Medical College, said, “Medicine is the loveliest profession, occupation, vocation, and cause, worthy of lifetime dedication.” Choose medicine, join the “4+4” Medical Doctor Program at Peking Union Medical College, and hitch your wagon to a star.是的,本科毕业、足够优秀的你,还有机会在中国的医学殿堂——北京协和医学院继续深造,攻读医学博士学位!If you have graduated with a bachelor’s degree and consider yourself to be exceptional, you are welcomed to continue your studies and pursue a doctoral degree in medicine at the best medical school in China Peking Union Medical College!
建立于1917年的北京协和医学院,是中国八年制医学教育、高等护理教育和公共卫生教育的发源地。Founded in 1917, Peking Union Medical College is the birthplace of China’s eight-year medical education, higher nursing education, and public health education.
百年来培养了包括林巧稚、黄家驷、吴阶平在内的大批医学泰斗,成为中国现代医学诸多学科和专业的奠基者、开拓者和引领者。It has nurtured a large number of distinguished medical experts over the past century, including Lin Qiaozhi, Huang Jiasi, and Wu Jieping, who are the founders, pioneers, and leaders of multiple disciplines of modern medicine in China.
China as the world’s second largest economy is gearing up in the new era to update its medical education, science and technology, and to promote the quality and efficiency of its medical system in its initiative to build a “Healthy China”. This campaign has empowered PUMC as the leader of medical education in China.
2018 年,在王辰校长的坚定推动下、国家教育部和卫健委的大力支持下,北京协和医学院率先在中国开启了“临床医学专业培养模式改革试点班”(简称“4+4”试点班),面向全球高水平大学招收包括理科、工科、文科等多学科背景的优秀本科毕业生接受医学教育,学制 4 年,合格毕业生均授予医学博士学位。In 2018, Peking Union Medical College took the lead in China to initiate the “4+4” MD Program as advocated by President Wang Chen, and by both the Ministry of Education and the Health Commission. The “4+4” MD Program is designed to recruit candidates from elite universities at home and abroad, aimed at their outstanding undergraduate graduates with multidisciplinary backgrounds including science, engineering, liberal arts and other disciplines. They will receive a 4-year medical education at PUMC and obtain a doctoral degree in medicine after graduation.“4+4”试点班旨在培养思想品德高尚、具有宽厚的知识基础、扎实的临床技能和优秀的职业素养,并具备多种发展潜能,追求卓越、引领未来的医学领军人才,为此学校提供最优质的医学教育资源。The “4+4” MD Program is dedicated to cultivating medical leaders with high morality, a vast knowledge base, solid clinical skills, and excellent professional qualities, who have the potential for further development and leadership in the future. To maximize support for our students, Peking Union Medical College provides the highest quality of medical education resources.北京协和医学院与中国医学科学院实行院校合一的管理体制,是中国最高水平的医学教育机构和医学研究机构,拥有包括北京协和医院(临床医学研究所、全国疑难重症诊治指导中心)、阜外医院(国家心血管病中心)、肿瘤医院(国家癌症中心)、整形外科医院(整形外科研究所)、血液病医院(血液学研究所)、皮肤病医院(皮肤病研究所)等6家国内顶级的直属医院,为医学生提供最优质的临床学习平台。院校体系同时拥有19个研究所、9个学院和106个院外研发机构,形成开放型国家医学科技创新体系。包括26名两院院士在内的上千位博士生导师将指导学生开展国际领先水准的医学创新研究。The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College share the same organization framework and mark the highest level of medical education institutions and medical research institutions in China. Under PUMC are six flagship hospitals in China, including Peking Union Medical College Hospital (Clinical Research Institute, National Diagnosis and Treatment Guidance Center for Difficult and Critical Diseases), Fuwai Hospital (National Cardiovascular Disease Center), Cancer Hospital (National Cancer Center), Plastic Surgery Hospital (Plastic Surgery Institute), Hematology Hospital (Hematology Institute) and Dermatology Hospital (Dermatology Institute). All of them will showcase the medical students with the best clinical practice in the country. We also have 19 research institutes, 9 schools, and 106 external research and development institutions, forming an inclusive national innovation system for medical science and technology. Over a thousand doctoral supervisors, including 26 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, will guide students in their exploration and innovation in medical research.北京协和医学院的“4+4”医学教育模式有三大妙处:Three major advantages of the “4+4” MD Program:首先,纳多学科背景者学医从医传医:通过遴选各种学科背景的本科生投身医学,将多学科的“基因”融入医学,从而体现、实现医学的多学科属性;First, we enroll students with multidisciplinary backgrounds to study and practice medicine: by selecting undergraduate students with various undergraduate majors who devote themselves to medicine, the “genes” of multidisciplinary disciplines will be integrated into medicine, and further enrich the multidisciplinary nature of medicine.
第二,纳爱医者学医从医传医:招募经过本科阶段对人生深入思考后做出选择、内心真正有志于医学、热爱医学的青年学子进入医学院;Secondly, we enroll those who are devoted to medical study and practice: we appreciate young students who have a real interest in medicine with passion and determination for medical study and practice upon deliberate consideration during the period ofundergraduate study and experience.
第三,纳天下贤才学医从医传医:通过严格的招生和培养过程,统揽全球各高校的精英,共同成长为未来医学的创新型领军人才。Finally, we enroll the best talents from all over the world to study medicine: through a rigorous admission and training process, we inspire our students to grow into the next generation of medical leaders.“4+4”试点班目前已经招收了4届学生,受到了国内外高水平大学优秀本科生的热烈响应,不仅有来自包括美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、新加坡等地的名校毕业生,而且其本科专业也涵盖了生命科学、化学、物理、工程、地质、数学、信息学、经济学、心理学等丰富多元的学科背景。The “4+4” MD Program has enrolled 4 classes of students so far, receiving applications from outstanding undergraduates from top-level domestic and international universities, including graduates from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and others. The undergraduate majors of our students cover such a variety of disciplines such as life sciences, chemistry, physics, engineering, geology, mathematics, informatics, economics, psychology, etc.首届“4+4”试点班毕业生即将于2023年毕业,进入包括北京协和医院在内的各大医院,成为真正的白衣天使。来到协和,你将和最优秀的人在一起,实现自己的医学梦想!The first class of our “4+4” MD Program is scheduled to graduate in 2023 and practice at major hospitals including PUMC Hospital, and thus start their medical career. Here at PUMC, join the best, make your dreams come true!“尊科学济人道,寓高贵于朴实,以天下为己任,助众生求福祉。“Respect science for humanity, find nobility in simplicity, take the world as our responsibility, and help all human beings to seek well-being.”
President Wang Chen regards this spirit of Peking Union Medical College as “a medical spirit, a professional spirit, and a career dedication”.
欢迎有志学医的天下学子加入我们,在美妙的医学和神圣的殿堂中,体悟“悲悯、专注、自省”的校风,修炼出高贵的灵魂,成为胸怀天下,以无我为自我的大医生。We welcome students from all over the world who aspire to the medical cause and share the PUMC conviction of “compassion, concentration, and self-reflection”. Before long, following your graduation from PUMC, you are expected to become a doctor of global vision and love for all.Welcome to PUMC for a fulfilling future!