牛津年度词汇“Goblin mode”是什么意思?媒体的解释扎心了……
12月5日,牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary) 公布了2022年度词汇:“Goblin mode”。
Oxford Dictionaries said Monday that “goblin mode” has been selected by online vote as its word of the year. It defines the term as “a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.”
人们用“Goblin mode”这个词比喻一种像“goblin”一样的生活状态。
具体来说,美国国家公共广播电台 (NPR) 是这样描述这一状态的:
It's mindlessly binge-watching television without worrying about the time. It's eating snacks in bed without a care about leftover crumbs. And it's wearing the same pair of pajamas all week while working from home. Welcome to "goblin mode."
《卫报》(The Guardian) 是这么形容的:
Goblin mode is like when you wake up at 2 am and shuffle into the kitchen wearing nothing but a long t-shirt to make a weird snack, like melted cheese on saltines.
图源:Getty Images
牛津年度词汇 (The Oxford Word of the Year) 每年选出一个能反映过去12个月情绪或关注点的词汇,今年的获胜词是首次由公众网络投票选出的。
牛津语言 (Oxford Languages)指出,随着疫情阴霾散去人们逐渐走出家门,“Goblin mode”这个词似乎捕捉到了拒绝回归“正常生活”的人的普遍情绪,或者是对社交媒体上出现的越来越高的审美标准和不可持续生活方式的反叛。
The term then rose in popularity over the months following as COVID lockdown restrictions eased in many countries and people ventured out of their homes more regularly. Seemingly, it captured the prevailing mood of individuals who rejected the idea of returning to ‘normal life’, or rebelled against the increasingly unattainable aesthetic standards and unsustainable lifestyles exhibited on social media.
牛津语言主席Casper Grathwohl表示,该词让经历了这一年并感到无所适从的人产生了共鸣,承认我们并不总是像社交平台上理想化的自己一样,这是一种解脱。
“Given the year we’ve just experienced, ‘Goblin mode’ resonates with all of us who are feeling a little overwhelmed at this point. It’s a relief to acknowledge that we’re not always the idealized, curated selves that we’re encouraged to present on our Instagram and TikTok feeds,” said Oxford Languages President Casper Grathwohl.
“Goblin mode”这个词你会怎么翻译呢?
来源:美联社 OxfordLanguages NBC News 阿则外英语笔记 NPR
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