ESR150xPIFA 4/8:Think Big Do Small一位MIT女性校友从“化学博士”转型为“小学校长”的心路历程

ESR150xPIFA 4/8:Think Big Do Small一位MIT女性校友从“化学博士”转型为“小学校长”的心路历程



MIT PIFA Fireside Chat is a series of peer-sharing events that promotes female leadership and gender equality.  Each time, a speaker will host the event and set the topic for her session. Allies of all genders are welcome to join

MIT PIFA炉边谈是旨在推广女性领导力和性别平等的一系列同伴分享活动。每次活动由一位主讲人设立主题进行分享和交流,并欢迎所有性别的盟友参与活动

PIFA stands for “Principled and Intelligent Female and Allies”. It is an open platform for events and activities aimed at strengthening female representation and leadership, and highlighting the contributions of female leaders, scientists, entrepreneurs and their allies, within the MIT community and the beyond.


The MIT Alumni Club of Shanghai is pleased to announce an upcoming PIFA event to celebrate the 150th year of MIT's first female graduate ceremony.

More information about the first woman, Ellen Henrietta Swallow Richards, to graduate from MIT, please check:

The event, titled "Think Big, Do Small", will take place on April 8th and feature Tengfei Zheng, PhD ’14 in Biochemistry and a pioneer in promoting innovative education in China. During the event, Tengfei will share her story of switching her career path from academia to education, and explore the relationship between study, growth, and value.


麻省理工学院上海校友会很高兴地宣布即将举办一场PIFA活动,以庆祝MIT首位女性校友毕业150周年。更多关于这位女性校友Ellen Henrietta Swallow Richards的纪念活动(ESR 150),可查看:


此次活动名为“Think Big, Do Small”,将于4月8日举行,特邀生物化学系 ‘14 郑腾飞博士发表演讲。郑腾飞校友是在中国推广创新教育的先驱。在此次活动中,郑腾飞博士将分享她的故事,介绍她是如何从学术界转向教育界的,并探讨学习、成长和自我价值之间的关系。

Tengfei got her Bachelor’s degree in Science from Peking University in 2007 and a PhD degree in Biochemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2014.

After graduation from MIT, Tengfei chose to leave academia and went back to China. She worked in Henan Provincial Department of Environment Protection for a year, focusing on air pollution management. Then she switched her career path to education. In the first few years, she designed curriculum for afterschool science education institute, and coached high school and undergraduate students for upper level degree application. In August 2016, Tengfei joined Shanghai Pinghe School, a private school with grade 1-12 students. She worked on reconstructing a 12-year continuous science curriculum, aiming to offer good science literacy training to all students. At the same time, she was in charge of the opening and operation of a new primary school of the Pinghe Education Group, Shanghai Little Bridge School. She is now the principal of this school, which has became one of the most popular primary schools for middle class families in Shanghai, and was elected as the 100 most innovative schools in China.

Aside from her endeavors in school education, Tengfei is also active in public science dissemination by giving public lectures, publishing articles and leading workshops. As a ‘used to be’ scientific researcher, she loves to share her research work and scientific training to children and adults who are interested in science. She was also elected as the sixth Sino-French Youth Leader of the Franco-China Foundation in 2018, interviewed by Wang Qishan, the Vice President of the State, and spoke on behalf of the Chinese educational community at the 2019 Aixen-Provence Economic Conference on "Youth Development in the Context of Globalization".




Date and Time 时间: 
Apr 8, 2023, Saturday, 2:00 - 4:00pm
2023年4月8日, 周六, 2:00 - 4:00pm

Venue 地点:
Way Foong House, 220 Middle Sichuan Rd., Huangpu District, Shanghai. 
- Please click the link below to join the webinar:
- Webinar ID: 959 8095 6927
- International numbers available:

Agenda 日程: 
2:00 ~ 2:05 pm Opening 开场
2:05 ~ 2:15 pm Attendee Introduction - All 自我介绍环节
2:15 ~ 3:00 pm 主讲嘉宾分享
3:00 ~ 3:45 pm Q&A 提问交流(主持人提问+现场/线上观众提问)
3:45 ~ 4:00 pm Networking - All 自由交流

Registration 报名: 

The MIT PIFA Events are supported by passionate volunteers such as Yangyue, Sophie, Meng, Jie, and other actively contributed MIT female leaders.
Contributor: Yangyue Zhang
Editor: Bill Zhang


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