60年代叱咤风云的服装设计师玛丽·官 | 经济学人讣告
02 新手必读
Mary Quant
The look of an era
Dame Mary Quant, designer of the clothes that made the Sixties swing, died on April13th, aged 93
Tunics were at the back. Once you had worked through the immense Butterick pattern catalogue, past pages of pastel A-line dresses or tight-skirted suits, suddenly the look changed. It became rectangular, plain, sleek and very short, and if you were a teenager in the early 1960s that was what you wanted. Your parents would never buy such clothes for you, but if you were determined you would make them yourself. Out on the lounge floor you’d spread the fabric, a shock of scarlet, orange or electric blue, and in a few days you, too, would be wearing Mary Quant.
Wearing it, over a polo-neck and contrasting tights (oh, the joy of losing that fiddly suspender belt!), made you feel different. You were not a version of your mother any more. You were modern. Even more so when you plastered down your hair with spray, framed your eyes with kohl and piled on the mascara. High boots, if you had them, perfected the look. Now you could stride.
At the start of her career Mary Quant, too, spent hours on her bedsit floor pinning and cutting. She worked at night to restock her first shop, Bazaar, in the King’s Road in Chelsea, with a bouillabaisse of racy clothes. By evening the rails would be almost stripped, and she would rush to Harrods to get fabrics for the next day. Out of men’s suitings, in tweed or grey flannel, she would make pinafores; striped shirting was cut into dresses. She ran up culottes, knickerbockers and lounge pyjamas, and had fun with foot-wide waistbands, broad stripes and huge polka dots. Her best-seller was a white plastic Peter Pan collar, to add demure little-girlishnessto each eye-smacking ensemble.
She also sold mini-skirts. They went like wildfire, getting ever shorter because her leggy Chelsea customers demanded it. She designed them long before André Courrèges, in his Paris show in 1964, made them respectable. They were not respectable with her. Wickedly, they teased men, as did her long cardigans worn as very short dresses, and in 1966 her crutch-hugging minipants. Appalled Citytypes in bowler hats would pass Bazaar, with its open door blaring out jazz and its window of cavorting mannequins, and cry “Disgusting!”, beating their umbrellas on the glass.
Inside, though, dowagers competed with middle-class girls to buy Quant by the armful, and the haut monde of the day—Tony Armstrong-Jones, David Bailey, Jean Shrimpton, Brigitte Bardot, the odd Beatle or Rolling Stone—would drop in to the running cocktail party. She was her own best advertisement, gamine and frisky, especially when Vidal Sassoon, the hairdresser of the moment, snipped her hair into a bob, and when Terence Donovan, the hot photographer, snapped her (as here). She and her equally mould-breaking business partner-husband, Alexander Plunket Greene, loved to hear people sneer “God! Modern Youth!”. Swinging London was their new world, and they were dressing it.
This was also serious stuff, for her. She was shy, and always had been, but through clothes she could express herself. Already, at six, she was making her own dresses out of bedspreads. At school she recast her uniform. The Quant look came from a tap-dancer at her childhood ballet class who wore a long black jumper, black tights, white socks and no skirt to speak of; she liked skinny, lively monochrome ever after. At Goldsmiths College she decided to ignore what was happening in Paris, creating clothes solely for herself and her friends. In pursuit of fashion she was constantly looking for the next, best, thing: a colour or fabric that had been forgotten, a shirt that could be tied like a scarf, a natural pattern she could blow up large. As she walked she might pick up a conker, leaves, a brass hook, bits of ribbon and mesh from factory floors. Even a rubber doorstop would set her mind working.
Fashion also gave her a living, surprisingly enough. Her parents, Welsh schoolteachers who had moved to London, thought the business dicey and dodgy. Neither she nor Alexander had much idea about money, and it was only his aristocratic income that enabled them to set up Bazaar in 1955 with the help of another useful friend, ex-lawyer Archie McNair. But in ten days the original stock had sold out, and in the first week the shop made £500. Two more London outlets came quickly and, in 1962, a deal with J.C. Penney to link up with 1,765 stores in America. By 1963 the Quant brand was global, with revenues of £14m; in 2000 her make-up arm was bought out by a Japanese company, in a country where her look was also adored. Sensibly, she went early into mass-production and discounting. Money-talk embarrassed her, but she and Alexander—with no furniture except a bed and deckchairs when they married in 1957—certainly rose fast in the world.
她从事时尚产业,这本身就挺令人惊奇的。她的父母是移居到伦敦的威尔士教师,都认为时尚事业风险大、不可靠。她跟亚历山大对金钱都没什么概念;他们第一家店Bazaar还是靠亚历山大身为贵族的收入和另一位得力的前律师朋友阿奇·麦克奈尔(Archie McNair)的帮助才开起来的。但在十天内,最初的存货就销售一空;第一周店铺就赚了500英镑。他们很快在伦敦又开了两家门店,并于1962年与彭尼百货达成协议,和美国1765家店铺合作。到1963年时,玛丽·官已成为全球品牌,销售额达1400万英镑;2000年,她的彩妆部门被一家日本公司收购;在日本,她的造型同样备受喜爱。商业嗅觉敏锐的她早早开启量产及折扣店模式。谈钱总是让她不自在;她跟亚历山大于1957年结婚时家具仅有一张床和几把躺椅,但之后两人火速发迹。
That love affair too had been made by fashion, when Alexander wandered into classes at Goldsmiths in his mother’s gold silk pyjamas. For both of them, eccentric dressing was a powerful tool for getting through life. It could be a disguise, and her range of cosmetics, with colours as vivid as her clothes, were really pots of theatrical paint made tiny for a handbag. Or it could be a bold announcement of things to come. When she set up Bazaar in a grey Britain not long out of rationing, a place of bomb-sites and pea-souper fogs, her shop immediately looked alive, with music and colours that sang of the world to be. Fashion changed first.
It also changed women, once the new look took hold. Not just because they could playfully imitate men, by borrowing men’s tailoring and their cardigans, but mostly because mini-dresses freed them to move. She designed them, she said, to be alive in. More important still, high hemlines, paired with opaque tights, let girls run for the bus in order to get to work. You could never run for the bus in a Dior dress. In Quant, women felt they could leave the house and dare a different life.
When people credited her with that revolution, though, she objected. Times were coming to a boil and she just happened to be there, giving women more of what they already wanted. Her customers were the real revolutionaries; they, and the teenage girls who cut and stitched her designs on sitting-room floors across the land, kohl-rimmed eyes gleaming, eager to stride outside.
在今天,迷你裙只是一件时尚单品。然而在二十世纪六十年代,迷你裙却是一个时代的脚注:为女性赋予了前所未有的表达方式与选择权。当时,女权运动的领导人穿着它;切尔西最时髦的女孩穿着它;想要摆脱上一辈循规蹈矩生活的年轻女性也穿着它。其实第一条迷你裙在 1920 年便出现了,不过真正让迷你裙商业化并走向大众的,正是讣告组本期的主角英国设计师玛丽·官。1960 年代,玛丽·官将迷你裙推向极致:她将迷你裙定义为“裙长在膝盖之上 20cm 的裙子”。1966年她穿着一条短裙在白金汉宫接受了女王授予的大英帝国勋章,而她也被称为“迷你裙之母”。
迷你裙是一种时尚潮流,是一个时代脚注,更是一种阳光自信的宣言。女性们在愿意穿着这样裙装出门,展现的不仅是自己优美的体型,更多的是在展示自己愉快阳光的心情,是一种释放和轻松。早有研究表明,裙子的长短与经济社会的各种数据紧密相关。美国时尚界的重量级大咖蒂姆·冈恩说:“ 长久以来,裙子的长短、松紧程度就是女人甚至是男人社会地位的象征。”甚至早在1926年,美国的经济学家乔治泰勒就提出了“短裙效应”,在美国它有一个更通俗的名字叫做“牛市与裸露的大腿”:当经济稳定时,人们的生活水平越来越高的时候,男女都有了足够的时间谈情说爱,而女性对于异性也更大胆坦然,女生的天性可能会更加得到释放,衣服在腰线、领口等方面做出突破,颠覆传统、大胆的超短裙就会应运而生并且流行。