①Paul ,Freedom and Nature:The Voluntary and the Involuntary,E.Kohák trans.,Northwestern University Press,1966,pp.4-86.
②Paul ,Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences:Essays on Language,Action and Interpretation,J.Thompson ed.,Cambridge University Press,2016,p.xvi.
③Cf.Paul ,Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences:Essays on Language,Action and Interpretation,J.Thompson ed.,Cambridge University Press.2016,p.19.
⑤⑥⑨Cf.Paul ,Soi-même comme un Autre, du Seuil,1990,p.15; p.22; p.20.
⑧Paul ,Du Texte à l'Action:Essais d'Herméneutique II, du Seuil,1986,p.29.利科认为海德格尔及其继承者的现象学颠覆了“主体想自我奠基于自身的鸿鹄之志”(toute prétention du sujet à se fonder sur luimême)。
⑩Paul ,The Crisis of the Cogito,Synthese 1(1996):p.59.
(11)Cf.Paul ,The Conflict of Interpretations:Essays in Hermeneutics,D.Ihde ed.,Northwestern University Press,2007,p.242.
(12)Paul ,Freud and Philosophy:An Essay on Interpretation,D.Savage trans.,Yale University Press,1970,p.45.
(17)(18)Paul ,The Conflict of Interpretations:Essays in Hermeneutics,Northwestern University Press,2007,p.250; p.251.
(19)(20)(21)Cf.Paul ,Soi-même comme un Autre, du Seuil,1990,p.35; p.12; pp.140-143.
(26)(27)Cf.Paul ,The Conflict of Interpretations:Essays in Hermeneutics,Northwestern University Press,1974,p.238; p.238.
(28)Paul ,Freud and Philosophy:An Essay on Interpretation,D.Savage Trans.,Yale University Press,1970,p.45.
(30)Cf.Paul , l' de la Phénoménologie,Vrin,1986,pp.10-11.
(33)Paul ,Du Texte à l'Action:Essais d'Herméneutique II, du Seuil,1986,p.55.
(34)Cf.Paul , l' de la Phénoménologie,Vrin,1986,p.269.
(35)Cf.Paul ,The Conflict of Interpretations:Essays in Hermeneutics,Northwestern University Press,1974,p.266.
(37)Cf.Paul ,Le Conflit des Interprétations:Essais d'Herméneutique, du Seuil,1969,p.20.
(41)(42)Cf.Paul ,The Conflict of Interpretations:Essays in Hermeneutics,Northwestern University Press,1974,p.10; p.19.
(45)(47)(48)Cf.Paul ,Interpretation Theory:Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning,Texas Christian University Press,1976,p.7; p.11; p.9.
(46)Cf.Paul ,La Métaphore Vive, du Seuil,1975,p.91.或可参见利科:《活的隐喻》,汪堂家译,上海译文出版社,2004,第93页。
(49)(51)Cf.Paul ,Interpretation Theory:Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning,Texas Christian University Press,1976,p.16; p.27.
(52)Paul ,Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences:Essays on Language,Action and Interpretation,J.Thompson ed.,Cambridge University Press,2016,p.93.
(53)Cf.Paul ,Interpretation Theory:Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning,Texas Christian University Press,1976,p.27.
(56)Cf.Paul ,The Model of the Text:Meaningful Action Considered as a Text,New Literary History 1(1973):p.104.
(57)利科将“猜测”对应于施莱尔马赫的“预言层面”(divinatory),将“证实”对应于“语法层面”(grammatical)。[Cf.Paul ,The Model of the Text:Meaningful Action Considered as a Text,New Literary History 1(1973):p.106]
(58)(59)Cf.Paul ,Interpretation Theory:Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning,Texas Christian University Press,1976,p.78; pp.78-79.
(61)Cf.Paul ,Action,Story and History:On Re-reading Human Condition,Salmagundi 60(1983):p.65.
(62)Paul ,Soi-même comme un Autre, du Seuil,1990,p.87.
(63)Cf.Paul ,The Model of the Text:Meaningful Action Considered as a Text,New Literary History 1(1973):p.105.
(65)Cf.Hannah Arendt,The Human Conditions(2nd edition),The University of Chicago Press,1998,p.8.
(66)Cf.Paul ,Soi-même comme un Autre, du Seuil,1990,pp.186-187.
(68)Cf.Paul ,Time and Narrative III,The University of Chicago Press,1984,p.132.
(69)Cf.Paul ,The Conflict of Interpretations:Essays in Hermeneutics,Northwestern University Press,1974,p.24.