喂 110吗?我被这个单词给“骗”了!

喂 110吗?我被这个单词给“骗”了!




今天,我们就来盘点一个非常简单的词—— impact 




Through their interpretations, which exert a continuing influence on our understanding of the revolutionary process, the impact of the events of June has been magnified, while, as an unintended consequence, the significance of the February insurrection has been diminished.



In the absence of reliable data concerning the relationship between the material quality [i.e., physical condition] and the price of used books, it is impossible to offer statistically exact information for the impact of the used-book market on the cost of reading in eighteenth-century England.


但是,到了与天文相关的文章当中,impact常考的词义变了。先来看下impact在American Heritage Dictionary中的词义:

a. The striking of one body against another; collision.

b. The force transmitted by a collision.

a. 撞击,碰撞

b. 撞击力,碰撞力



Thus the evolution of life has depended on a frequency of cometary impacts sufficient to convey water, as well as carbon and nitrogen, from these distant regions of the solar system to Earth while stopping short of an impact magnitude that would destroy the atmosphere and oceans.



Skeptics have argued that a single impact would raise an asteroid’s overall temperature very little and that asteroids would cool too quickly between impacts to accumulate much heat.


此外,impact的同根词impactor也常在GRE阅读中出现,它在American Heritage Dictionary中的词义如下:

A body that strikes another, usually larger body in an impact, as a comet striking a planet.

impactor 就是指与其他天体发生碰撞的撞击体或撞击物


In a titanic collision model, the bulk of the Moon would have formed from a combination of material from the impactor and Earth’s mantle.



It has been estimated that without this shield, Earth would have experienced bombardment by comet-sized impactors a thousand times more frequently than has actually been recorded during geological time.




The binary planet hypothesis—that Earth and the Moon formed simultaneously by the accretion of smaller objects—does not explain why the Moon’s iron core is so small relative to the Moon’s total volume, compared with Earth’s core relative to Earth’s total volume. According to the giant-impact hypothesis, the Moon was created during a collision between Earth and a large object about the size of Mars. Computer simulations of this impact show that both of the objects would melt in the impact and the dense core of the impactor would fall as molten rock into the liquefied iron core of Earth. The ejected matter—mantle rock that had surrounded the cores of both objects—would be almost devoid of iron. This matter would become the Moon.

The giant-impact hypothesis as described in the passage answers all of the following questions EXCEPT:

A. What happened to the rock that surrounded the impactor’s core after the impactor hit Earth?

B. What happened to the impactor’s core after the impactor hit Earth?

C. Where did the impactor that collided with Earth originate?

D. Why is the Moon’s iron core small relative to that of Earth?

E. What was the size of the impactor relative to that of Mars?

文章介绍了两种理论:双行星说(binary planet hypothesis)和大碰撞说(giant-impact hypothesis)。前者不能解释月球铁核与月球体积的比例比地球铁核与地球体积的比例更小,而后者却能够解释这种现象。

再来看题目,题干问“大碰撞说”(giant-impact hypothesis)没有回答哪个问题。

A选项和D选项的回答都对应最后两句:“The ejected matter—mantle rock that had surrounded the cores of both objects—would be almost devoid of iron. This matter would become the Moon.”,撞击物地幔的岩石最终成为了月球,并且由于其不含铁,因此月球的铁核相对地球而言比较小。

B选项的回答对应“the dense core of the impactor would fall as molten rock into the liquefied iron core of Earth”:撞击体的铁核最终和地球的铁核融为一体。

E选项的回答对应“a large object about the size of Mars”:与火星大小差不多。


总 结




Many theorists now doubt that heat loss from Earth’s core and radioactive decay are sufficient by themselves to produce all the energy driving the tectonic plates whose movements have helped shaped Earth’s surface. This leaves a loose end in current geological theory. Herbert Shaw argues that because scientists have underestimated the input of substantial amounts of energy from extraterrestrial impactors (asteroids and comets striking Earth), they have difficulty accounting for the difference between the quantity of energy produced from sources intrinsic to Earth and that involved in plate tectonics. Whereas most geologists have treated the addition of energy through the bombardment of Earth’s surface by such impactors as a process separate and independent from the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, Shaw asserts that these processes are indivisible. Shaw’s revolutionary “open-system” view recognizes a continuum between terrestrial and extraterrestrial dynamics, whereas modern plate tectonic theory, like the classical geology developed during the nineteenth century, is founded on the view that Earth’s geological features have changed through gradual, regular processes intrinsic to Earth, without reference to unique catastrophic events. Classical geology borrowed a decisive, if unspoken, premise from Newton—the independence of Earth’s processes from any astronomical context.

The author’s primary purpose is to

A. identify the influences informing a particular geological theory about the processes that have shaped Earth’s surface

B. identify differences between two views of the extraterrestrial impactors and argue that the phenomenon has influenced the development of plate tectonic theory

C. argue that an explanation is based on a dubious evidence and propose an alternative explanation

D. discuss an explanation and place that explanation under theoretical context

E. suggest that apparent discrepancy poses a serious problem for a particular theory that many have believed

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这个单词被徐志摩译为“眸冷骨累”,绝了!吸血鬼日记:一个单身母亲的故事宝藏|暑假每天5分钟 ,就能掌握1000单词,用起来!“32岁、离婚3次、裸辞”当一个单亲妈妈决定为自己而活,会发生什么?滑旱雪+滑翔伞,我被这张广告牌劝得上天遁地巴黎世家被她“骗”了多少设计费?流年花事美国控枪僵局:《经济学人》一个单词说明问题!扎啤的“扎”,原来是这个英语单词!新版中国N号房:5万人在线围猎幼女,笑称“越缺爱越好骗”小宝最喜欢《西游记》中那个单元故事?如何理解四大名著的区别?我被这些动不动就“1”的同事吓到了公证员口述:为什么有的老人,选择将自己托付给“陌生人”?这届年轻人“怂”了?我看未必错位的爱(完)借给“穷亲戚”250万换回1000亿,广州新首富隐秘上位史618 黑榜!这几个单品,美妆编辑劝你慎重购买拜登夸韩国总统的老婆很美,用了这两个单词,脑回路清奇!为啥“骰子”的英语是 die?跟“死”一个单词?2年PSW签证到底“骗”了多少英国留学生?她靠《美少女战士》成为行走的印钞机,嫁给“好吃懒做”的老公却活成了无数人羡慕的模样!纪录片揭露暗网杀手!一个骗子杀手网站背后,每个单子的需求却都是真实的...今天,我被这个小女孩,狠狠上了一课Netizen是一个过时的单词吗?东南亚给“中国玩法”上了一课逆风飞阳,步步惊心从厦大到UCSD,半年上岸Bayer!我被这个学Data的甜心学姐迷晕了…天然香料的毒性一张照“骗”多次成功索赔,平台当平等保护合法商家与消费者丨南周快评6个美国课堂的单词游戏,这样玩单词孩子根本忘不了!在离婚之后不止是Shein,美团和茅台都被这个指数“欺负”了。全球老虎日:我被这组数字震撼了!这面墙,家家都可以来打造!让孩子背单词的效率翻10倍别被快手“骗”了