Not that sort of monolith
An enormous—and unexpected—lump of granite has been found on the Moon
正 文
A batholith is a geological formation created when a vast quantity of molten rock rises through a planet’s crust, spreading out sideways as it does so. On Earth, these batholiths are composed mostly of granite; the rocks of Yosemite, for example, are parts of the Sierra Nevada batholith uncovered and spectacularly sculpted by subsequent erosion.
康普顿-贝尔科维奇岩床也是由花岗岩构成的,这就是它的秘密所在。花岗岩比其他火成岩(即曾经熔融的岩石,如玄武岩)富含钍,而且钍具有放射性。钍的衰变会加热容纳它的花岗岩。由亚利桑那州图森市行星科学研究所的马修-西格勒(Matthew Siegler)和冯建青(Jianqing Feng)以及得克萨斯州达拉斯市南卫理公会大学(Southern Methodist University)的冯建青领导的科学家小组通过对中国首批两颗绕月卫星--嫦娥一号和嫦娥二号--发射的微波进行测量,计算出了康普顿-贝尔科维奇表面下的岩石释放出多少热量。
This suggests interesting goings-on in the depths of the Moon of a sort not previously recognised. Igneous rocks are made through a sort of geological distillation. When rocks far below the surface are heated, some components melt more easily than others; when the molten rock solidifies its mineral make-up is not the same as that of the original parent.
The lunar discovery suggests that similar microwave measurements might provide novel insights into the innards of other planets. That this has not been tried before is due to a preconception. Satellites orbiting Earth use microwave receivers to measure water in the atmosphere. Because the solar system’s other rocky planets do not have watery atmospheres, such instruments have not been sent to them.
来源: qq