“医者仁心”“悬壶济世”这些成语用英语怎么表达,一起来学习。 中英文内容来自中华思想文化术语传播工程核心成果——《中华思想文化术语》丛书。 大医精诚A Master Physician Must Have Superb Skill and Sincerity 伟大的医者既有精湛的医术又有一心济世的情怀。这是唐朝著名医学家孙思邈(581-682)在《千金方》中阐述的医者理念。A master physician must have both superb medical skills and a desire to help the world. This is how Sun Simiao (581-682), a famous Tang Dynasty physician, described a doctor in his work Essential Formulas for Emergencies. ▌引例 学者必须博极医源,精勤不倦......凡大医治病,必当安神定志,无欲无求,先发大慈恻隐之心,誓愿普救含灵之苦。A person who studies medicine must delve deep into its principles and study tirelessly… When a master physician treats an illness, he must be calm in spirit and free from desires; he must first have a compassionate heart and be committed to relieving the sufferings of all people. 悬壶济世Hanging a Gourd (Practicing Medicine) to Help the World 行医救助世人。“悬壶”即把装药的葫芦挂起来,作为行医卖药的招牌,泛指从事医疗职业;“济世”是对困苦之人提供救助。This term means to help people by practicing medicine. “Hanging a gourd” refers to the tradition of using gourd containing medications as a sign for those practicing and selling medicines; it is used more broadly to refer to those in the medical profession. “Helping the world” means providing aid and relief to those in distress. ▌引例 市中有老翁卖药,悬一壶于肆头。(《后汉书·方术传下·费长房》)There was an old man who sold medicine in the market. He hung a medicine gourd at his market stand. 苍生大医A Master Physician to All the People 众生景仰的伟大医者,百姓的好医生。这是唐朝著名医学家孙思邈 (581-682) 在《千金方》中所阐述的理想的医者形象。“苍生”即众生,主要指百姓;“大医”即超乎寻常的、伟大的、令人尊敬的医者。This term means a great physician held in high esteem by everyone, a good doctor for all the people. This is the ideal image of a physician as described by the famous Tang Dynasty physician Sun Simiao (581-682) in his Essential Formulas for Emergencies. “All the people” refers mainly to the general populace; a “master physician” is an extraordinary doctor who is great and commands respect. ▌引例 如此可为苍生大医,反此则是含灵巨贼。(孙思邈《千金方·论大医精诚》) Only in this way can he become a master physician to all the people; otherwise he will bring disaster to everyone. 医者仁心The Caring Heart of a Physician 医者要有仁爱之心。其基本精神,古已有之。唐朝著名医学家孙思邈(581—682)在《千金方·论大医精诚》中,已经有医者应存有恻隐之心也即“仁心”的相关论述。它要求医者对患者要有大爱之心、悲悯之情、救苦之志,不计个人得失,一心治病救人,而医者也因此成为“苍生大医”(众生景仰的伟大医者)。 A physician must have a caring heart. This essential spirit has existed since ancient times. In the chapter “On the Skill and Sincerity of a Master Physician” of his work Essential Formulas for Emergencies, the famous Tang Dynasty physician Sun Simiao (581-682) discussed how a physician should have a compassionate heart, that is, a caring heart. A physician is expected to have great love, a sense of empathy and a desire to relieve suffering; he must disregard personal interests and focus entirely on treating the sick. In so doing, the physician becomes a “master physician to all the people,” a great physician held in high esteem by all the people. ▌引例 凡大医治病,必当安神定志,无欲无求,先发大慈恻隐之心,誓愿普救含灵之苦。(孙思邈《千金方·论大医精诚》)When a master physician treats an illness, he must be calm in spirit, and free from desires; he must first have a compassionate heart, and be committed to relieving the sufferings of all people.