





The CIIE continues to demonstrate the potential of the Chinese market to the world, further attracting AstraZeneca to become a committed investor determined to expand its investment in China.

On the first day of the CIIE, AstraZeneca reached a number of cooperation agreements with Jiangsu, Shandong and Guangdong respectively, continuing to expand its presence in China and consolidate its long-term commitment to China.


On the same day as the opening ceremony, AstraZeneca announced a series of cooperation agreements with Jiangsu, including investing an additional $400 million to introduce a new small molecule drug factory in Wuxi.

Through this investment, AstraZeneca plans to cover from formulation to packaging for small molecule drugs approved in China, while supplying both domestic and overseas markets.

Furthermore, AstraZeneca signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Taizhou medical high-tech district to establish a new production line, following on from the previous collaboration between AstraZeneca and Taizhou last year to construct another production line.

This ongoing initiative aims to further solidify Taizhou's position as a global production hub for AstraZeneca's diabetes products. After the investment, the Taizhou factory is expected to have an annual output value of 10 billion RMB ($1.37 billion).

In addition, AstraZeneca launched the Wuxi Smart City Healthcare Big Data Strategic Cooperation with Wuxi High-tech district, Wuxi Big Data Group, LinkDoc, Zhizhong Medical and Wuxi Smart City Health Big Data.


During the signing ceremony with Jiangsu, four innovative enterprises in the biomedical industry were officially introduced into Wuxi iCampus. At the same time, the Wuxi iCampus (Shanghai) Regional Innovation Centre was unveiled.
Through establishing a science and technology cooperation platform between Wuxi and Shanghai, the Innovation Centre aims to promote the innovative ecosystem in the Yangtze River Delta Area.
In addition, AstraZeneca, Wuxi Industrial Development Group and Wuxi National Hi-tech Zone jointly launched Wuxi iCampus Fund, which will make an equity investment in Synapsor and support Synapsor to implement a city-wide model for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes in Wuxi.
Looking forward, AstraZeneca will help Synapsor’s products to achieve international development.


On the same day, AstraZeneca also achieved a number of signings with Shandong, including the signing of the phase II project of AstraZeneca-Qingdao Hi-tech Zone pMDI Inhalation Manufacture Site.

In March this year, AstraZeneca’s inhalation aerosol plant was established in Qingdao Hi-tech Zone with an investment totaling $450 million.  In August, AstraZeneca invested an additional $250 million to increase its packaging can capacity and new packaging lines for inhalation aerosols.

The total $700 million investment further promotes Qingdao to become a critical part of AstraZeneca’s global pharmaceutical supply chain.


AstraZeneca also deepened its cooperation with Shandong at this year’s CIIE by signing a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Healthcare Security Administration of Shandong province.

The two parties will strengthen cooperation in the healthcare security system in areas of drug marketing and sales, medical insurance and commercial insurance, so as to promote the open and innovative development of the entire biopharmaceutical industrial chain in Shandong.

On the same day, AstraZeneca and Ji’nan Hi-tech Zone signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on rare diseases, under which AstraZeneca plans to build a rare disease cooperation project in Ji’nan Hi-tech Zone, focusing on developing more innovative drugs.

In addition, the establishement of the Qingdao iCampus was announced, featuring an industrial park focusing on rare disease and respiratory disease.
It gradually brings together the big health ecosystem resources of government, industry, academia, research institutes, medical institutions and investment partners to help Qingdao Hi-tech Zone form a healthcare industrial highland.


In addition, AstraZeneca has also reached strategic cooperation agreements with Guangdong, including that for the introduction of AstraZeneca’s drugs in Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development District, and the fast-track market access for its drugs in the GBA in 2023.
With the help of the "Hong Kong and Macao Medicine and Equipment Connect” pilot policy, the fast-track market access of the drugs will improve the early-stage accessibility of drugs that are needed in clinical practice and may enrich the means of medical institutions to deal with diseases.
At the same time, the venture capital fund affiliated to AstraZeneca-Guangzhou Bio-Island Innovation Park was officially launched leveraging the development of the GBA to attract more high-quality “specialized and innovative” companies from home and abroad to settle in Guangzhou.

全球生物制药企业阿斯利康连续六年赴进博之约。本届进博会,阿斯利康延续了1000平米的展台规模,以“三十年,跃行致远 — 在中国,为中国,惠全球”为主题,全面展示在华投资与布局的新进展。

AstraZeneca has participated in the China International Import Expo forsix consecutive years.

This year, AstraZeneca will once again appear with a 1,000-square-meter exhibition booth, holding a "Thirty years, leap to a new future —rooted in China, serving China, benefiting the world" theme that gives an overall picture of the new investment progress in China.


At this CIIE, the main booth will provide a comprehensive introduction to the continued focus AstraZeneca has placed  on disease areas since entering China in 1993.
The exhibition booth showcases 40 innovative drugs that the company has introduced into China, highlighting its contributions in multiple key disease areas. Remarkably, among these accomplishments are innovative medicines that have been introduced through the CIIE over the past five years.



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