








I arrived at Charlie Munger’s Los Angeles home early one morning in September, hoping for some thoughts and opinions. For nearly four hours, Charlie wouldn’t stop.


Successes and mistakes. Artificial intelligence and venture capital. Elon Musk and Donald Trump. Munger’s legacy and a secret to success in life. Even his painful hemorrhoids.


We had never met and I wasn’t sure he’d be open or loquacious. Munger usually let longtime partner Warren Buffett steal the spotlight at Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meetings. Munger was content offering a witty quip or “I have nothing to add.”

我们从未见过面,我不确定他会不会开诚布公、侃侃而谈。在每年一度的伯克希尔·哈撒韦股东会上,芒格通常会被他的长期合作伙伴沃伦·巴菲特“抢去风头”。芒格满足于说几句诙谐的俏皮话或 “我没什么可补充的”。

I brought fresh croissants and muffins, hoping to sweeten his mood. I needn’t have bothered. His aide ushered me into the den, pointed me to a couch, and Munger jumped right in, employing acharacteristic and refreshing bluntness. “Could I tape the interview? Ask questions for a book as well as a Wall Street Journal article?” “Do whatever you want,” he said, all but rolling his eyes.



Munger dressed as one might expect of an aging and accomplished financier. Light blue shirt, dark blue sports jacket, gray pants pulled up high, black dress shoes. He sat in a tan recliner, hardly budging. Munger’s voice was a bit weak and he didn’t appear very mobile. But he was sharp, witty and full of humor.




I asked about lessons from his key investments, both at Berkshire Hathaway, where he was the longtime vice chairman, and on his own. He said Berkshire’s 1972 purchase of See’s Candies was a crucial deal. When See’s raised prices without affecting the volume of sales, it changed Munger’s approach to investing. He learned that paying full price for a beloved brand could be a bargain.


He and Buffett began looking for other companies with loyal customers, leading to their big purchases of shares of Coca-Cola and other stocks and to paying a premium for Israeli toolmaker Iscar, he said, deals that paid off.



Costco taught Munger the value of treating customers well. Munger never sold his personal stake in the company, which amounts to 187,760 shares worth about $111 million. The stock has returned 31% this year, including dividends, and 475% over the past 10 years. As a longtime outside director, Munger encouraged Costco to pay up for choosing real estate, he said, and to enter China, a nation he long admired for the work ethic of its citizens. But he kept most of his opinions to himself: Few executives want to hear critiques from outside directors, he said.

开市客教会了芒格如何善待顾客。芒格从未出售过他个人在该公司的股份,共计 187,760 股,价值约 1.11 亿美元。今年,包括股息在内,开市客股票的回报率为 31%,过去 10 年的回报率为 475%。他说,作为一名长期的外部董事,他鼓励开市客进军房地产,并鼓励开市客进入中国,因为中国公民的职业道德令他钦佩已久。但他对自己的大部分意见守口如瓶,因为很少有高管愿意听到外部董事的批评。

“I’ve had to pick my spots and be gentler than my inclination,” Munger said.


Berkshire owned Costco for a while but exited its position in 2020. Buffett sometimes teased Munger for his passion for the company, an example of how they didn’t always agree on investment strategies.


“Warren has a prejudice against retailing,” Munger said.




BYD was a bet on Wang Chuanfu, someone Munger viewed as an especially capable leader. But it also demonstrated the importance of good fortune. Munger urged Wang not to enter the challenging automobile business. Wang ignored the warning, shifting BYD into electric vehicles. Today, the company is Tesla's biggest threat. “It teaches you to be humble,” Munger said.


Munger missed out on Amazon, even though he was a fan of founder Jeff Bezos. He also passed on automaker Tesla, whose shares have soared, but he had fewer second thoughts on that one. Munger called Musk “an extreme talent” but said “I would go crazy if I took the risks he did.”

芒格错过了亚马逊,尽管他是创始人杰夫·贝佐斯的粉丝。他还错过了汽车制造商特斯拉,虽然特斯拉的股价狂飙,但他对此并没有太多想法。芒格称马斯克是 “一个极端的天才”,但他说:“如果我像他那样冒险,我会疯掉的。

Berkshire’s purchase of Apple was one of its biggest home runs, but Munger wished the company had bought even more of the stock. Both he and Buffett were slow to appreciate the company’s strengths, he said, and had to overcome their long-held caution about tech stocks.


Expressing a tenet he often shared about both investing and life, Munger said: “You have to let ideas die” and regularly challenge one’s own beliefs. Munger said the rush to embrace artificial intelligence was likely overdone—“I don’t want something that behaves like a human”—and worried that too much money is chasing venture-capital deals.


A lifelong Republican, Munger said he agreed with some of Trump’s policies while in office but said could never vote for him, citing character flaws and his business practices before making it to the White House. “Biden is a typical Democratic politician,” he said. “I’ m used to that type of defect.” Munger expressed optimism about the U.S., despite its abundant challenges. “A great nation has a lot of collapse in it,” he said.


Munger didn’t dwell on his investment legacy. He seemed prouder that his many aphorisms, which some have termed “uncommon sense” have become so popular. “When someone says uncommon sense they really mean common sense,” he said.

芒格并没有执着于他的投资所得。他似乎更自豪的是,他的许多箴言——有人称之为 “不寻常的常识”——已经深入人心。他说:“有人道出寻乎异常的智慧,而这些智慧实际上是常识。

As he spoke, I soaked up the surroundings, realizing I’d likely never have another chance. Volumes about Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Costco. A table stacked with financial books sent by various publishers. To Munger’s left sat a small wooden table with two oversize and worn Value Line binders featuring details of various companies. Munger said he relied on these relics of a bygone era to evaluate new investments. “They’re easy to navigate and you get a good overview of companies,” he explained.



Munger seemed to enjoy himself during our interview. He volunteered a healthy respect for the press and the role it plays scrutinizing companies, executives and others. But he really lit up toward the end of the morning when a 35-year-old neighbor, Avi Mayer, came by, clutching a handful of documents for Munger to review and sign. It turned out that the unlikely duo had launched a real-estate partnership that owned thousands of garden apartments around the country, an enterprise Munger detailed with excitement. Munger shared their plans for growth, expressing deep pride in his partner.

整个采访过程,芒格似乎乐在其中。他主动表示尊重媒体,尊重媒体在监督公司、高管及其他人方面所发挥的作用。但在上午快结束时,他的情绪才真正高涨起来。当时,他 35 岁的邻居阿维·梅耶走了过来,手里拿着一沓文件,让芒格审阅并签字。原来,这对奇妙的搭档成立了一家房地产合伙公司,在全国各地有着数千套花园公寓。芒格兴奋地介绍了这家公司的详细情况,分享了发展计划。他对他的合作伙伴深感自豪。

It was a lesson in the value of learning fresh skills and exploring new pursuits throughout one’s life, and the need to meet new people. It also was a testament to how newfound passions, even those discovered late in life, can inspire and invigorate. “If anything, my fun has increased with time,” Munger said.




投资天才查理·芒格去世:不只是金融界的价值投资,更是人生的智慧查理芒格的智慧,也许正是我们今天所需要的智慧追忆查理·芒格:避免这25种“误导倾向”Issaquah 撞车逃逸引发停电事件,司机谎称为躲避小狗,实际上却是……美经济战略架构师辛格:不确定性和恐慌才是常态查理·芒格:如何提升自己的认知能力?查理·芒格:长期关注机遇 99年智慧人生“南京3套房,名下5辆车”?他交往了40多名“女友”,骗了超200万!实际上他小学二年级辍学,曾大量借债……千万粉“完美家庭”网红离婚塌房!表面各种温馨和睦,实际上……关于台湾查理·芒格的5条智慧原则重温经典 | 芒格论基本的、普世的智慧,及其与投资管理和商业的关系查理芒格:股神巴菲特背后的男人当代新型孤儿:看着是三口之家,实际上没爸没妈查理·芒格:我觉得我没资格拥有任何一种观点 |【经纬低调分享】以实战经验"教学"她明面是家长,帮学生规划课程,实际上却是…查理·芒格远不止是巴菲特的副手:在商界,他是持守常识的典范查理芒格的智慧:人生幸福、股票投资、企业经营、看透复杂商业本质等120条经典语录一个好人|芒格私人助理回忆芒格【首发】汇像科技完成超亿元B轮融资,加速AI在智慧实验室自动化领域的应用与变革投票 | 启蒙教育需求火爆,哪些智能早教品牌成为行业“黑马”?芒格:要想生活幸福,有些事坚决不能让它发生智者芒格:要八戒更须悟空查理·芒格逝世,留下普世的智慧,“我的剑传给能挥舞它的人”[预约] 芒格去世,传奇落幕,智慧永存!(上)查理·芒格生前最后一本智慧之书,99条建议洞悉芒格之道第112章 会打人的烧火棍朱批《毛批三国》 第十三回 李傕敦汜大交兵 杨奉董承双救驾芒格:不要同一头猪摔跤,它会把你全身弄脏今日神图 | 你以为20年前的游戏,实际上……路上随拍的加拿大风景(1)有的人看起来穷,实际上也不富裕99岁芒格去世!传奇落幕,一起回顾他的投资和人生智慧查理 • 芒格:做一个长期主义者,才能享受复利的人生《歌德堡变奏曲1453》