




那原因我想很大程度上跟这个国家的调调有关。别人喝的是茶,而英国人是把喝茶喝成了一种文化标签。这当中最功不可没的就是今天咱们要聊到的 afternoon tea(下午茶)。


要回答这些问题,咱们照例搬出插图百科全书界扛把子 DK 出版社出品的一本叫做 The Tea Book(《茶的故事》),来图文并茂地嘬上一口下午茶。

本文选自 The Tea Book(《茶的故事》)



This quintessentially British custom, which began as a light afternoon snack, has evolved into an indulgent meal, winning fans worldwide. The classic afternoon tea is now being adapted to suit regional palates.


quintessentially /ˌkwɪntɪˈsenʃəli/ adv. 典型地,典范地

○ Afternoon tea is quintessentially English. 下午茶具有典型的英式特色。

indulgent /ɪnˈdʌldʒənt/ adj. 纵容的,放纵的

○ an indulgent smile 迁就的微笑

palate /ˈpælət/ n. 味觉,品尝力

○ a collection of dishes to tempt your palate 让你胃口大开的一系列菜肴



The custom of afternoon tea came into practice in the 1840s, when gas-lighting was introduced in British upper class homes and it became possible, and fashionable, to take supper later in the evening. It was usual at the time to eat only two meals per day—breakfast and supper—so one influential aristocrat, the Duchess of Bedford, began to take tea with some light snacks at around 4pm to tide her over until supper. 

下午茶的习俗在 1840 年代开始流传,当时煤气灯被引入英国上流社会,使晚点吃饭成为可能,甚至是一种流行。那时的人通常一天只吃两顿饭:早餐和晚餐。于是,一位颇具影响力的贵族——贝德福德公爵夫人开始在下午 4 点左右喝点茶、吃点小食充饥,以熬到晚饭时间。

aristocrat /ˈærɪstəkræt/ n. 贵族(成员)

○ Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution. 许多贵族在法国大革命中被处死。

tide sb. over sth. 帮助某人渡过(困难时期)

○ He wanted money to tide him over. 他需要钱来渡过难关。

Over time, the Duchess began to invite her friends to take tea with her in her rooms at Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire. Soon, this boudoir meal for aristocratic ladies evolved into a social custom practiced in drawing rooms throughout the country, as well as in the British colonies.


boudoir /ˈbuːdwɑː(r)/ n. 闺房

drawing room /ˈdrɔːɪŋ ruːm/ n. 客厅,起居室

Afternoon tea gave rise to increased demand for bone china tea sets and porcelain manufacturing all over the world thrived as a result. In North America, the custom reached its zenith in the 1950s, when Emily Post, an American author, wrote an essay on proper etiquette at tea.

下午茶的盛行刺激了对骨瓷茶具的需求,世界各地的制瓷业也因此蓬勃发展起来。在北美,喝下午茶的风俗在 1950 年代达到顶峰,当时一位美国作家 Emily Post 写了一篇关于饮茶礼仪的文章。

bone china /ˌbəʊn ˈtʃaɪnə/ n. 骨瓷

porcelain /ˈpɔːsəlɪn/ n. 瓷器

○ a porcelain vase 瓷花瓶

thrive /θraɪv/ v. 蓬勃发展

○ New businesses thrive in this area. 新企业在这一地区蓬勃兴起。

zenith /ˈzenɪθ/ n. 鼎盛时期,顶峰

○ The Roman Empire reached its zenith around the year 100. 公元 100 年左右罗马帝国达到鼎盛。

Traditionally enjoyed in the late afternoon, tea is now taken between 2pm and 5pm and can replace both lunch and dinner. In recent years, it has seen a resurgence in interest, with hotels, cafés, and tea shops around the world offering themed afternoon teas with sweets and savories.

传统下午茶在下午晚些时候开始,现如今从下午 2 点到 5 点之间都有人喝下午茶,并能用它替代午餐和晚餐。近年来,人们对下午茶兴趣重燃,世界各地的酒店、咖啡馆和茶馆都提供包含甜点和咸点的主题下午茶。

resurgence /rɪˈsɜːdʒəns/ n. 复兴

○ a resurgence in the popularity of 90s music 20 世纪 90 年代音乐的再次流行

savory /ˈseɪvəri/ n. 咸味点心 / adj. 咸味的

○ plates of cakes and savories 一碟碟的糕饼和咸味小吃



Afternoon tea is so ingrained in British culture that everyone has their own idea of what is correct. Among the points of debate are the right way to eat a scone—whether to slice it or break it at its natural splitting point; the order in which you spread the clotted cream—before the jam, as per Cornish custom, or after, as done in Devon; whether to pour milk into the tea, or the tea into the milk, and so on. 


ingrain /ɪnˈɡreɪn/ v.  使(习惯,信仰,态度)根深蒂固 

○ Morals tend to be deeply ingrained. 道德观念往往根深蒂固。

scone /skɒn/ n. 司康

clot /klɒt/ v. (使血或乳脂)凝结成块

clotted cream /ˌklɒtɪd ˈkriːm/ n. 凝脂奶油

Traditionally, a rich black tea, such as Darjeeing or Assam is served for afternoon tea.  Afternoon blends and classic signature blends, such as Earl Grey, are also popular. Tea is always offered with a choice of milk or lemon and sugar. It is also customary to offer a variety of small crustless sandwiches, such as cucumber or smoked salmon with cream cheese, along with a sweet course of scones with jam and clotted cream, and pastries are served alongside the tea. 


blend /blend/ n. 混合品,混合物

○ a blend of tea 混合茶叶

crust /krʌst/ n. 面包皮,糕饼酥皮

○ sandwiches with the crusts cut off 切掉面包皮的三明治

crustless /ˈkrʌstlɪs/ adj. 无皮的,去皮的




限时领丨每个孩子都需要有一套书的DK大百科图书,宇宙大百科、微观世界大百科杭州高铁0.5h,当地首家奢牌罕见降价,住豪华套房送下午茶颠覆饮品界的新品!农夫山泉汽茶,低糖清爽好喝的气泡茶,普洱/茉莉/乌龙高级又回味悠长!秋爱如行下午茶,掀开秋日序章女子患怪病10年,浑身浮肿还焦虑抑郁,居然是因为隆胸假体发霉了?!虎说百科丨双十一劝退大法:你每买一件衬衫,等于耗费 6000 瓶农夫山泉!德国和日本经济飞速发展是因为有“匠人精神”?太搞笑了!洛杉矶万圣节甜品糖果限量这些店!专属下午茶恶魔蛋糕黑芝麻马卡龙眼球留学小百科|留学目的国工作许可规定及其他政策指南虎说百科丨不是所有人都适合睡午觉圣诞主题火车专列开始抢票了!和圣诞老人一起吃早餐、下午茶、晚餐....煤气灯效应:被扭曲的关系 | 《环球科学》新刊导读喝下去的奶茶,是怎么变成身上的肥肉的?加拿大单身妹子去咖啡店!一下子引来4名猛男搭讪!不是因为美貌,而是因为...虎说百科丨如何优雅地辨认一个坏蛋?虎说百科|我们吃下去的蓝莓,竟然是防腐剂我曾人肉背回的英国好物!王室御用下午茶叶,百元送礼超有品位~虎说百科|哈士奇,智商感人?拆家能手?权威百科全书上可没这么说虎说百科丨你一定用过的这款字体,但它为什么叫 Times New Roman?如何优雅地告别西雅图悠长夏日?从一份精致下午茶开始吧。痘冠虎疫侵蚀豆蔻年华北极行(2):又见奥斯陆白马上海咖啡店卷赢全球,是因为有这群年轻人虎说百科 | 不吃早饭不会让人变胖,甚至可以减肥?雪山下躺平!荒野里下午茶!没有谁比云南更懂秋天活动 北京|CBD泳池顶级爵士乐下午茶!委员探店 | 独一无二的伦敦巴士移动下午茶努力半生,却被所有人讨厌:对不起,你从不因为有用而被爱TPAMI 2022 | 知识蒸馏为什么有效?因为有老师给你划“重点”火车上的下午茶、温泉酒店的自助Brunch……多伦多感恩节大餐宝典!加拿大麋鹿(ELK):黑椒嫩滑麋鹿肉柳什么是“爱情的浪漫与唯美”?虎说百科丨和牛这么贵,原来是用啤酒喂出来的今日聚焦:因为有他们,中国才能挺直腰杆,干想干的大事!