我觉得不能。他是被自己的pacers帮助的哦。热心观众没有概念(不能提供帮助),那些pacers也会没有吗?而且这里明确说了,他过线以后,就lost concious了。http://www.atrailrunnersblog.com/2006/06/heat-and-controversy-at-2006-western.html?m=1
“For those who haven't heard, the 2006 Western States first place finisher Brian Morrison was disqualified after being assisted to the finish line by his pacers (who included Scott Jurek, ironically). Apparently the Seattle, WA-based Morrison collapsed a few times in the final 300 meters, and was helped up by his two pacers, Scott Jurek and Jason Davis, as well as a few other well-wishers. He was unconscious shortly after finishing while being examined by Dr. Bob Lind.”
节选几段“Suffering from hyponatremia - a potentially life-threatening condition brought on from drinking too much water and not enough electrolytes - Morrison was staggering and falling down as he entered Auburn's LeFebvre Stadium for a gritty final lap”
“Morrison's crew - including pacer Scott Jurek, who has won the Western States seven times - gave their courageous runner a moment of glory and then got him off the track. Morrison was soon in the hospital, where it turned out he belonged.”