楼主 (文学城)
Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more park /pärk/ noun noun: park; plural noun: parks 1. a large public green area in a town, used for recreation. "a walk around the park" Similar: public garden recreation ground playground play area public/municipal park US a large area of land kept in its natural state for public recreational use. a large enclosed piece of ground, typically with woodland and pasture, attached to a large country house. "the house is set in its own park" Similar: parkland grassland woodland garden(s) lawns grounds estate greensward a large enclosed area of land used to accommodate wild animals in captivity. noun: wildlife park; plural noun: wildlife parks "penguin chicks are reared regularly at the park" NORTH AMERICAN a stadium or enclosed area used for sports. US (in the western US) a broad, flat, mostly open area in a mountainous region. 2. an area devoted to a specified purpose. "an industrial park" BRITISH a parking lot or garage. "a coach park" 3. (in a car with automatic transmission) the position of the gear selector in which the gears are locked, preventing the vehicle's movement. verb verb: park; 3rd person present: parks; past tense: parked; past participle: parked; gerund or present participle: parking 1. bring (a vehicle that one is driving) to a halt and leave it temporarily, typically in a parking lot or by the side of the road. "he parked his car outside her house" Similar: leave station position stop pull up 2. INFORMAL deposit and leave in a convenient place until required. "come on in, and park your bag by the door" Similar: put put down place deposit set set down leave stick shove dump plump plonk plunk bung sit down. "after dinner, we parked ourselves on a pair of couches" Similar: sit down seat oneself settle (oneself) install oneself plant oneself ensconce oneself plump oneself plop oneself flump perch plonk oneself 3. INFORMAL postpone consideration of (an idea or plan) until a later date. "could I suggest we park that suggestion for the moment?" 不过, 你可以想怎么联系就怎么联系 不过,你想怎么联系就怎么联系
紐約又條著名的"Park Avenue-,
爾不止一處見過地產商把自己的新小區帶"Park"啥啥的或者發展商翠稱呼自己為"Park Avenue"地產集團-:))。。-再美加地區-:))。。。。。。
比如: tea 为啥叫"茶"; delicious为啥叫“美味”;miracle为啥叫“奇迹”......
比如: https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/romance/936421.html