《Hot Sun, Burn Me into Ashes Please》《烈日,请把我烧成灰烬》
《Hot Sun, Burn Me into Ashes Please》
Hot sun, burn me into ashes please
Ashes with free spirits
going up
Riding with the white clouds in the blue sky
Above the world
Author notes:
The lines came to my mind when I walked alone in the soccer field near my home. The hot sun, white clouds, and blue sky seemed so surreal to me, and I felt that I would love to join them.
A comment from Allpoetry:
kaye - A great vision of thought. The feeling to this is a signature of art in letting your craft guide the ink.
Congratulations on fpp.
P. S. 这首诗的英文版 "Hot Sun, Burn Me into Ashes Please" 于2023年10月3日被选上了Allpoetry的首页(Front page picks, FPP)。
相关链接:书香之家: Hot Sun, Burn Me into Ashes Please - 由CBA7发表 - 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)
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