【回到那年】 见王洛勇演出美剧及唱他主演《西贡小姐》的《美国梦》歌
《纽约时报》曾说:”王洛勇是百老汇的百年奇迹”, 近六年里他的剧照在纽约世贸中心及各电视台不断出现,几乎家喻户晓。上海戏剧学院毕业的他,最初沒有英语口语交流能力,美国路州大学只好先劝他退了学。
海归又归海的王洛勇(Robert Wang) 教授被采访时说,他曾把小石子放嘴里以练好英语发音。
出名自他演的《西贡小姐》, 他的许多卓别琳似的表演与唱段让美国人大呼过瘾。剧情主要是越战期间的亲人生死离别,他演的很诙谐幽默,唱的也很好,所以一共演了好几千场。
后来应国内导演的邀请,王洛勇就海归演戏并在上海戏剧学院教学; 在国内他演过杨子荣,诸葛亮, 焦裕禄等角色。
下面是俺学他唱的那美国梦《The American Dream》。向王教授这位接地气的艺术家致敬!
《The American Dream》
What's that I smell in the air
The American dream
sweet as a new millionaire
The American dream
Pre-packed, ready-to-wear
The American dream
Fat, like a chocolate eclair
As you suck out the cream
Luck by the tail
How can you fail?
And best of all, it's for sale
The American dream
Greasy chinks make life so sleazy
In the States I'll have a club that's four-starred
Men like me there have things easy
They have a lawyer and a body-guard
To the Johns there I'll sell blondes there
That they can charge on a card
What's that I smell in the air?
The American dream
Sweet as a suite in Bel-air
The American dream
Girls can buy tits by the pair
The American dream
Bald people think they'll grow hair
The American dream
Call girls are lining time square
The American dream
Bums there have money to spare
The American dream
Cars that have bars take you there
The American dream
On stage each night: Fred Astaire
The American dream
Shlitz down the drain!
Pop the Champagne!
It's time we all entertain
My American dream!
Come ev'ryone, come and share
The American dream
Name what you want and it's there
The American dream
Spend and have money to spare
The American dream
Live like you haven't a care
The American dream
What other place can compare
The American dream
Come and get more than your share
The American dream
There I will crown
Miss Chinatown
All yours for ten percent down
The American dream!