楼主 (北美华人网)
把病人的芬太尼换成自来水好偷药,结果导致8-9位icu病人感染去世。据说10%的医护都偷换药,但蠢成直接拿自来水换的也是少见的。 https://kobi5.com/news/crime-news/only-on-5-sources-say-8-9-died-at-rrmc-from-drug-diversion-219561/
You don’t think of medical professionals doing this, but 10% of medical professionals divert drugs. 10%… That’s a lot.“According to various reports, fentanyl is one of the most commonly diverted drugs. It happens across the country in hospitals. But what Dr. Miller doesn’t understand, is why tap water was allegedly used. She says there should be sterile options available that wouldn’t put patients at risk.