碰见租客拒绝付铺地毯的钱,怎么办? 因为10年以上的地毯
租客离开,猫在地毯上洒尿,面积太大,洗不干净,打算换了。想让租客付一部分钱。不肯。说是地毯的有效生命是10年,10年以后都被depreciated to zero. 但是我觉得租客除了normal tear and wear, should return the house as it is.
租客离开,猫在地毯上洒尿,面积太大,洗不干净,打算换了。想让租客付一部分钱。不肯。说是地毯的有效生命是10年,10年以后都被depreciated to zero. 但是我觉得租客除了normal tear and wear, should return the house as it is.
我记得其中一个给我看她在租的房子,里面的插座烧得发黑,坏掉了,她说全屋只有一个插口是好的,她得牵线给房间亮台灯。我立马变身管事婆,很气愤地说,你可以告你的房东啊,这是房东的责任。她说告起来很麻烦,她自己先得预付100块的提告费用;就算告赢了,房东以后拿捏她的地方可以很多,住得也不舒服,走了算了。这是我第一次从租客的角度看当一个无赖房东的好处。何况你不是无赖房东,你是有理的。要我,就扣一部分押金,算清洁费,等租客告我去吧。就算他赢了,如果按我们这里,房东也就是多付100块的官司费用,再把押金还回去。你留好move-out inspetion report,和各种照片做好证据。
“Your landlord can return your deposit by delivering it in person, mailing it, leaving it in your mailbox or mail slot, or sending it electronically. According to section 5 in Schedule of the Residential Tenancy Regulation, “a landlord must not charge a fee in relation to any cost incurred by the landlord to repay a deposit”
Your landlord cannot simply decide on their own to keep your deposit. If they want it, they need written permission from you or the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB). After 15 days, if your landlord has not returned your deposit, obtained your written permission, or applied for dispute resolution, you have the right under section 38 of the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA) to apply for double the amount of your deposit.
假设你租出去的时候是新房,十年后你让房客还回来一个新房子 ?
房东也不用换地毯啊。argument 的点还是有的,只是看值不值得花精力和时间。