大学生醉酒的悲剧,UIUC CS一年级大学生被冻死
楼主 (北美华人网)
上周末,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(简称UIUC)一名18岁的学生被发现死于低温症。他的父母已向学校提出申诉,指责校警存在严重疏忽。据伊利诺伊大学警方称,上周六凌晨1:30左右,印度裔留学生阿库尔-达万(Akul B. Dhawan)的朋友报警称与达万失去联系。近10个小时后,警方在大学校园西部一栋大楼的后门走廊上发现了达万的尸体。
去年9月刚满18岁的达万不顾父母的反对,来到UIUC电子与计算机工程系学习机器人技术。达万的父母,伊什-达万(Ish Dhawan)和瑞图-达万(Ritu Dhawan)居住在加利福尼亚州 San Mateo,一直希望他能离家近一点。
伊利诺伊大学警方、伊利诺伊州警方和香槟县验尸官办公室正在调查达万的确切死因。周二进行的初步尸检结果显示,达万的身体没有重大创伤,但体温明显偏低。UIUC警方表示:"初步信息表明,达万的死亡不涉及任何犯罪行为。警方初步认为是寒冷天气导致的意外死亡,目前调查仍在进行中。" 伊利诺伊州和美国中西部大部分地区在1月下半月经历了严寒和冰冻,气温长时间在零下20度到零下30度之间。这种温度如果不注意保暖,学生会有巨大的危险。
At approximately 9 p.m. on Jan. 19, Mr. Dhawan met with friends at Busey-Evans Residence Hall, where Mr. Dhawan consumed alcohol. At approximately 10 p.m., Mr. Dhawan and his friends attended an event at Canopy Club, 708 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana. Around 10:45 p.m., Mr. Dhawan traveled with friends to Green Street. Security video obtained later showed him consuming more alcohol before the group returned to Canopy Club. Mr. Dhawan’s friends re-entered Canopy Club between 11:25 p.m. and 11:29 p.m. while Mr. Dhawan remained outside. He was denied entry by venue staff when he attempted to enter at 11:31 p.m. He continued to attempt to gain access to the venue multiple times, but was repeatedly denied by staff.
Around midnight, two different rideshare vehicles were called to pick up Mr. Dhawan outside Canopy Club. He declined both rides despite attempts by venue staff and a passerby to convince him otherwise. Subsequent phone calls and text messages sent by friends to Mr. Dhawan’s phone were not answered.
Information about Mr. Dhawan’s presence at Canopy Club was not communicated to police when the friend, who had been with him at Canopy Club, called police later in the night.
Investigators are continuing to collect information, including security camera footage and witness statements, to determine what happened after Mr. Dhawan left the area of Canopy Club. Some additional details have been collected by police and are being verified as the investigation is ongoing.
Canopy Club 是学校边上的一个酒吧俱乐部,不属于学校