carryover loss from 2021 $10711-2022 gain $2808 = carryover to 2023 $7903
rental income $25200- all exp $22392 = net profit $2808. deductible rental real estate loss after limitation $1662 so $1146 went to 1040 line 8 where I need to pay tax on it.
why you only allow me to deduct only $1662 but carryover loss minus $2808. I only used $1662 of my loss from 2021. I should still have $10711 - 1662 = $9049.carryover 应用loss 减用掉的loss 而不应减收入.我是挣了三千但你只允许我用一千的loss 呀.你们老说TurboTax 不会犯这种低级错误 但这些数字是事实.