楼主 (北美华人网)
https://www.youtube.com/embed/BODVUeTjB5g https://www.brettonwoods.org/person/helen-qiao
Affiliation Managing Director and Chief Economist for Greater China and Head of Asia Economics Research of Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bio Helen Qiao is a managing director and chief economist for Greater China and head of Asia Economics Research at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, based in Hong Kong. Prior to that, Qiao spent more than six years at Goldman Sachs as senior China economist and four years at Morgan Stanley as chief Greater China economist. Previously, she worked at the World Bank Group (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) in Washington DC and Lehman Brothers in Tokyo. Helen has written a wide range of thematic research papers on China. Her work has been published in media and in academic journals, such as The Journal of Policy Modeling. Helen's team has been ranked top-three in the Institutional Investor All Asia research team surveys in 2013-18 consecutively and No. 1 in Asia economic research in the Institutional Investor Global Fixed Income survey in 2019. Qiao holds a BA degree in international trade from the Renmin University of China, and master’s degree and a PhD in economics from Stanford University.