【一句话翻译】Kayaker paddles over 186 foot waterfall (原文已加)
【汉译英 Chinese to English】
一名皮划艇运动员划过华盛顿州 186 英尺高的帕卢斯瀑布(Palouse Falls),这是世界上最高的可通航瀑布之一,在一条由 13,000 多年前的大洪水冲刷而成的河流上。
A kayaker paddles over 186 foot Palouse Falls in Washington State, one of the highest navigable waterfalls in the world, on a river carved by the cataclysmic floods more than 13,000 years ago.
14 years ago somebody kayaked over the same waterfall at 189 feet, a world record at the time.