最近听的一个健身讲座: Optimal Protocols
其实是一位健友贴过的Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Protocols to Build Strength & Grow Muscles | Huberman Lab Guest Series。Guest Dr. Andy Galpin是大学教授,健身方面的专家,跟不少专业运动员有合作。
Dr. Andy Galpin提到一个3 to 5 健身方法:
3 to 5 days per week 3 to 5 exercises (根据自己的健身目标,选一些compound exercises and multi-joints movements,比如,pullup/chin up, push up, squats, 等等) 3 to 5 repetitions per set (strength要low reps high intensity, hypertrophy(增肌)可以做more reps.) 3 to 5 sets 3 to 5 minutes rest between each set (具体时间根据自己的情况,保证Rested and be fresh for each set) 3 to 5 percent load increase per week. (May deload after 5-8 weeks)他们把重训又细分为:speed, power, strength,hypertrophy(增肌)。训练方法也有不同:
Volume is the primary driver in Hypertrophy. minimum 10 work sets for per muscle group per week. Intensity is the primary driver in speed, power, and strength我也是第一次听到One Rep Max(1RM) 的概念:只做一次能达到的最大负荷。没有条件做One Rep Max, 可以用1RM calculator(google it)来估算。比如,如果45磅哑铃能做10个,那1RM大概是60磅。然后可以参考Prilepin's chart来设计sets and reps:
Power: 30-70% of 1RM work load Strength: 70+% of the 1RM Hypertrophy: each set has to be close to muscular failure (cannot move resistance with good form). in middle of workout, may do minus 2 to muscular failure, last set can push more.总之,这个讲座是science or experience based, very informational: