confident not they will like me but it is fine if they don't

confident not they will like me but it is fine if they don't


confident is not "they will like me" but it's fine if they don't. 

Confidence is often misunderstood as an unwavering belief that everyone will like you or that you're always right. However, true confidence is more about being comfortable in your own skin and trusting your abilities, regardless of what others may think.

When we base our confidence on the approval of others, we become vulnerable to their opinions and judgments. If we constantly seek validation from others, we can end up feeling insecure and anxious about our own worth.

On the other hand, if we have confidence in ourselves, we don't need the approval of others to feel good about ourselves. We understand that not everyone will like us, and that's okay because we know that our worth is not dependent on the opinions of others.

Being confident in who we are means that we can handle criticism and rejection with grace and resilience. We don't take it personally, and we don't allow it to undermine our self-worth. Instead, we use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Ultimately, having true confidence means being comfortable with who we are, flaws and all. We understand that we're not perfect, and we don't need to be in order to be worthy of respect and love. When we approach life with this mindset, we're able to face challenges and setbacks with resilience and grace, knowing that our worth is not determined by the opinions of others.

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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