Dior and I

Dior and I

2022, but it is just as fabulous. The handstiching is a piece of art.
I’ve been designing for 7 years now. No school no degree just passion. And Christian was someone that always inspired me. Not for the flash or the popularity but simply because he was born on the country side like myself and made something out of himself since December 1946. I strive to become this great. I hope you all reach your dreams. God bless.
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A phenomenal glimpse into this brilliant collaboration, and rare moment in time. I was especially touched to see in attendance the fashion world figures who are no longer with us: Stella Tennant, Alber Elbaz, L’Wren Scott, and Carla Sozzani
I’m tearing up at the end He has a vision but is also so isolated as a person. Him on the rooftop right before the show strummed my heart strings. How nerve racking ! Great documentary awesome find. Really gives you the inside glimpses.
Very few people get to experience the thrill that this man has gotten to experience during this process . Imagine all the stress and anxiety only to end it all with everyone clapping and congratulating you it’s insane but lights a fire under me to only push to be able to experience moments like this.
I love the beauty of seeing what human beings can accomplish with inspiration, an idea, some fabric, scissors, needles, and thread.
I am feeling this change of direction and method experience along with each person who has their part of the work to start, and complete Perfectly. This is much more than stress for each person involved at every level. This film is a perfect teaching tool-- no matter what type of work we do.
Raf Simons is a genius. I cried through this so much. Dior forever <3
Has anyone noticed in the end scene when he’s taking his bow there is a completely different audience? This is because every couture show, they have 2 presentations. One for the press/fashion insiders and the other for their clients.
How riveting! Exacting perfection... and incredibly glorious!
Thank goodness for Artists, the world would be so bland without them. If you know one, encourage them.
A Really serious Couture designer that is not designing those unbelievable costumes that some designers are creating and turning fashion modeling into a profession that is not talking very serious any longer .
Un triomphe! tellement de stress et d'emotions!
This was amazing.
Most of the clothes are very beautiful. The opening suit is wonderful. Timeless, will still be beautiful twenty years from now. Also the handbags are show stoppers! They are the perfect lady like accessory that can be right for all your life. The only thing I did not like was the gloves worn by the models. There was something very wrong with the fit. All the models wearing the long gloves,looked like they were wearing rubber gloves . I don't understand why u would want the models to look like they were dressing up to go do the dishes.
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What an incredible behind the scenes look of Dior under RAF’s direction. Obviously, this was years ago but still a bit odd to see Harvey Weinstein at 1:21 though.
Tres Magnifique!
I must have a Gold Girl belt, loafers, & wallet
This is amazing
Oh my god! I can’t believe YouTube has this now too. I’m here for another rewatch
This is awesome.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful movie
I was having such a good time until 1:20:35...a monster hidden in the flowers.
I ADior this DOC!
Seguramente el cliente de NY no le gusto el olor del cigarrillo que tenía su vestido
If he doesn't take care of his clients ,,,he has no reason to even make the dresses!
F*cking awesome!!! (Pardon my French)
Yay! If you have YouTube premium you can watch this and many other movies for free.
Thank you
I wish it was in English
Maria Grazia is Still at Dior.. while Raf who is much more talented, left after only a few seasons..
Who plays the piano in the beginning?? Sounds like Tori Amos but....?? anyone?
one thing, he loves the word "fuck"
Siente pena de mirar a los empleados del taller con estas batas de laboratorie como uniforme de trabajo porque no le disena UN uniforme bonito y apropiado SI es UN bueno disenador que pena...
25:36 broken baggie $28
Here Nov. '22 Mesmerized!
Girl in a red dress. Everything else black and white. I reference the thumbnail image. Like ghost I will disappear as I appeared.
ateliers beautiful hands at work
I bet that the producers regret having that $£^#% Harvey Weinstein sitting in the front row
Is that Jennifer Lawrence sitting next to Harvey Weinstein 1:21:26
How bout 2023? me!
Me too
@ 1:21:23 Harvey Weinstein Alert! Hide your model girls.
I always have to come back and revisit this masterpiece. Who else is here in 2021?
I like when one of the seamstress says, “it looks like we don’t belong here” when THEY are the one’s who made those beautiful dresses. Very humbling.
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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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