websites offer news content in French at a slower pace for langu

websites offer news content in French at a slower pace for langu


I can suggest that you search online for "News in Slow French" to find websites and resources that offer news content in French at a slower pace for language learners. You can also check language learning platforms, podcast directories, or language-focused forums for recommendations on where to find such resources.

yes. please list

I apologize for any confusion, but as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I can't provide specific, up-to-date website listings. However, I can give you some general suggestions on where to find "News in Slow French" resources online:

News in Slow French: The official website offers a subscription-based service providing news stories spoken at a slower pace, along with transcripts and explanations.

RFI - Journal en français facile: Radio France Internationale (RFI) offers "Journal en français facile," which presents news stories in simplified French at a slower pace. You can find this on RFI's website or through podcast platforms.

Podcast Platforms: Search on podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts for podcasts specifically focused on "News in Slow French."

YouTube: Look for YouTube channels that offer news content in French at a slower pace. Some creators create videos for language learners.

Language Learning Websites/Forums: Websites like Duolingo, Memrise, or language learning forums might have recommendations or links to resources for learning with slower-paced news.

Language Learning Apps: Language learning apps like Babbel or FluentU might also offer content for learning French through news stories at a manageable pace.

Language Schools: Some language schools or institutions might have online resources or courses that include "News in Slow French" content.

Social Media Groups: Language learning communities on platforms like Reddit or Facebook might share links and recommendations for "News in Slow French" resources.

Please note that the availability and quality of resources might have changed since my last update. I recommend searching online using these suggestions to find the most current and suitable resources for your learning needs.

News in Slow French is a weekly podcast designed to help you learn French while listening to the news. Full episodes are available at: This is the News in Slow French free story of the week, published on October 17, 2019 – Russia emerges as biggest winner in withdrawal of American troops from Syria. This French language learning podcast releases new episodes every week, featuring more news stories and stimulating conversations, hosted by native speakers of French. All of our original content is made to stimulate French listening comprehension, and help you study French in a more engaging, immersive way. For more News in Slow French, including the full episode sampled here, go to:


Incendie à bord - News in Slow French #2

36,329 views Aug 1, 2023 PARIS
Download the free vocabulary worksheet for this lesson here: ? *30% de réduction sur mes cours*. Pour un temps limité, profite de 30% de réduction sur mes cours de français en t'inscrivant à ma newsletter: ? L'actualité est un bon moyen d'apprendre du vocabulaire utile et de progresser en français. Aujourd'hui, je te propose une nouvelle vidéo de "News in Slow French". Dans la nuit du 25 au 26 juillet 2023, un incendie a commencé sur le cargo "Fremantle Highway" au large des Pays-Bas. Le bateau transporte environ 4 000 voitures, dont 500 électriques. Cet accident pourrait provoquer une véritable catastrophe environnementale... Dans cette vidéo, je t'explique simplement cette actualité. Tu vas aussi apprendre beaucoup de mots et d'expressions que j'explique dans la vidéo, comme : "le cargo", "échouer", "sans accroc", "le remorquage", "l’extincteur"... Mes sources pour cette vidéo : ----------------------------------------- PROGRESSER EN FRANÇAIS AVEC MES COURS EN LIGNE Transforme ta compréhension du français grâce à 45 dialogues du quotidien : ? Les mots et expressions à connaître pour voyager en France : 90 jours d’exercices pour progresser en français : Cours de conversation avec moi + fiche de correction : ----------------------------------------- ? SOUTENIR MA CHAINE Si vous souhaitez soutenir la chaîne et mon travail, vous pouvez m'offrir un petit café ? ? ----------------------------------------- MES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX - Site internet : - TikTok : - Instagram : ----------------------------------------- #slowfrench #newsinslowfrench #learnfrenchwithnews #learnfrench #frenchlessons #coursdefrancais #intermediatefrench #aprenderfrances #frenchconversation #frenchexpression #frenchgrammar #frenchvocabulary #apprendrelefrançais #speakfrench
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